West Desert?
12/7/09 7:46pm
Hey I was just wondering what your input on the General Season Archery Elk Any Bull in the West Desert Unit? I've heard thinks about Indian Peaks, and I have heard a little about above Cedar Fort. But it is just a close Unit to my house and I was just wondering if I should get the tag and I'm not looking for a Trophy just a bull elk. Any Information would be great! Thanks

12/9/09 4:55pm
I know a guy that had a tag for the mountains just out of stockton, (i think that is the town, right after tooele.) I helped him pack out a small bull, saw lots of elk not very many big ones but small ones, this was the late hunt though. Talked to some guys that got one the day before and it sounded like a decent six by six. I think if you got a tag for the late hunt and put good time in you could get yourself a decent six point. I think its a pretty cool place to hunt since its also pretty close to my house and when you get up there you dont really realize that your so close to the city.

12/10/09 2:21pm
Well the indian peaks unit is a good area for big bulls. But i wouldnt recommend hunting on there with a general tag. that is a limited entry draw unit.

12/10/09 4:46pm
Ya I forgot to put that in my last post. These are limited entry units, I believe that the west desert unit is a really good unit, big bulls but a long wait to draw the tag. The late hunt out of stockton is an ok one for a small bull but I think it would be worth it to put in for somewhere and get a big bull.

12/10/09 7:24pm
Oh really? I had no idea that indian peaks was a le tag (???) opps! Do you guys know of any other units that are general any bull that are good? Cause I can buy one of those general tags over the counter right? What unit should I get that has lots of area to hunt on?

12/11/09 8:47am
There is a part of the north slope of the uintahs that are ok. I went there on my youth hunt a few years ago and saw a few bulls. My hunt was in september though, other than than those mountains I dont know many other places to go for general elk. I did mess with a few bulls on the muzzeloder deer hunt up there on the north slope kind of by stateline reservoir.

12/13/09 8:44pm
What would be better muzzleloader or bow?

12/13/09 9:05pm
I am pretty sure that im going to buy an archery tag and try and go up on the north slope next year. The Muzzeloder elk is in november so you have a pretty good chance of hunting in the snow and its hard to tell where the elk are going to be that time of the year. I guess it just depends on how hard you are going to hunt. If you are going pretty hard and have time to scout i would go with an archery tag. With archery you will have a longer season, less pressure, and you can shoot either a bull or a cow in an any bull unit, or if you go on a spike unit you can shoot a spike or a cow.