West Desert Pronghorn

I finally drew a tag for a Utah Antelpoe. I went out yesterday and I saw ALOT of bucks. There were two that I am very intersted in tagging. My question is... what kind of range do these guys have? They are rutting pretty good right now and seem pretty preoccupied with chasing tail. The ones I really want are carrying around pretty good size groups of doe. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of pressure on them. What are the chances of them being within a few miles of where they are in about a week and a half? The archery hunt is winding down and they don't seem too worried about much.
Snake River Marksman
Food, water, sex, and pressure. These are the determining factors. If they have plenty of the first three and little of the last, they won't go anywhere. A week and a half isn't too awful long. I'd say you're in good shape.
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If your rut is still truckin along and the bucks are good size, atleast big enough to fend off intruders, then you can most likely count on them being in the general area. Good Luck

I say your odds are pretty good, they shouldn't be to far in "miles" wise but they will and do move around A LOT IMO. But generally are in the area somewhere, sometimes they can be tough to locate but I like your odds.
Man, I've been trying to get that tag for a looong time. Best of luck, hope to see some pictures of a big one soon. I read that they will move around within a 5 mile area.