West Virginia Poacher Brags Online Gets Caught

Not only was this guy an idiot to poach, he was even more of an idiot to brag about it online. He got what he deserved in my opinion!


A decision to brag on the Internet about a hunting success has proven costly to two Harrison County residents, according to Sgt. Roy Cool of the Division of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Section District 1 office in Farmington. On January 23, several citizens notified DNR officers that, on an outdoors related Internet message board, Robert Daniel "Murphy" Kane II, a 26-year old Bridgeport man, had posted that he killed two bucks on the first day of the 2006 buck season. The legal bag limit is one per day. Kane even disclosed details of the two deer kills, including photos of himself and the two deer. Kane had appropriately labeled the message board heading "Opening Day Bucks."

Harrison County conservation officers investigated. Cpl. D.P. Whyte and Officer R.G. Waybright located and interviewed Kane for two hours January 27. Their investigation resulted in Kane being charged with five wildlife law violations: conspiring to violate Chapter 20 of the WV State Code (wildlife laws), failure to field tag a deer, illegal possession of a buck deer, hunting after killing a legally killed deer, and exceeding the daily bag limit of buck deer.

Kane pleaded "no contest" before Harrison County Magistrate Gizzy Davis on January 29. Kane paid a total of $861.50 in fines and costs, which included a $200 replacement fee for the illegally killed buck. Investigating officers also confiscated Kane’s 10-point rack, which was waiting to be mounted at a taxidermist.

Also charged in the investigation was Kane's father, 53-year old Robert Daniel Kane I of Clarksburg. The elder Kane was assessed $381 on three charges involving conspiring with his son in game law violations and illegal possession of buck deer. Total fines and costs in the investigation came to $1242.50.
how stupid to you have to be to do that. and then brag about it on the internet :>/ :>/ :>/ :>/
This is a buck in area 043-046. The picture was taken during the archery season. He was never killed last year so hopefully I can find him this year.
This is a buck in area 043-046. The picture was taken during the archery season. He was never killed last year so hopefully I can find him this year.
Man I'm glad they bragged. :)

Kinda like the guy who tried to rob the "teller machine" with a cable attached to his bumper. The Machine stayed put, the bumper came off, police showed up check the bumper, got his license plate and drove to his house and arrested him. :)
Did I read that right?

"The legal bag limit is one per day."

That's incredible. If the bag limit was the same in Utah or Idaho I'd have to quit my job every year.

All the moron had to do is wait until the following morning to go legally get another.
IDHunter, States like Alabama have 2 deer per day limit and their season last something like 90 days. Now, that's a lot of venison.
In Mississippi, the season bag limit is 8 deer total. Two bucks and six does, providing you hunt with bow and muzzleloader in addition to the rifle season. The season starts Oct 1 and ends Feb 15. That being said, it would take about three deer in the south to equal the amount of venison from one decent muley. I've got a dog that is bigger than most of the deer down south.
Kane pleaded "no contest" before Harrison County Magistrate Gizzy Davis on January 29. Kane paid a total of $861.50 in fines and costs, which included a $200 replacement fee for the illegally killed buck. Investigating officers also confiscated Kane’s 10-point rack, which was waiting to be mounted at a taxidermist.


$200.00 replacement fee, so the guy ended up with under a thousand bucks in fines, I think when people start shelling out THOUSANDS and get thrown in jail and lose hunt priveledges things will start to change.
what an idiot
less than $1000 bucks cmon realistickly if they were good sized deer of any sort, people pay lots more to go on a guided hunt, so why wouldn't you just go poach a trophy deer pay $1000 bucks and you saved some money????????? you know that is a sarcastic coment-- but that is pathetic that a person could actually reason the situation that way and make it worth while! lets START the bidding at $10,000 min. and work up from there and i'll bet people think twice.
cost ya $8000 here in MT
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well if i may borrow two quotes : " stupid is as stupid does " and " you can't fix stupid " . glad to see that they were caught . the bag limit for deer in the southern states is high , i know louisiana is 6 per hunting seaso and the seaso is about 4 months long .
in tennesee u can shoot 4 does a day and one buck!