Whackem and Stackem!
9/29/07 2:38pm
The season opened witha BANG<BANG<BANG,bang,bang.....this morning,got a limit including 2 Mallard drakes,some green and blue wing teal,a limit of snipe and a couple coots for "diversity".We got pored on for four hours but the ducks flew all morning and our spread was suckin em in left and right,cant wait for tomorow!

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1DUCKYDAY.jpg " alt="" />

Out of curiousity, do ya eat the coots? We have them all over here where I live but we normally don't hunt em. Although I've never tried one, I've been told that they ain't worth eatin'.
The youth hunt was today. But that's a different threead. Duck is on the menu at my house tomorrow night...
"Duck Nuggets" are my favorite method.