What a summer

I haven't posted much this summer and how it has gone by so fast. Here's an update. I took my first scouting trip on the evening of June 21 and only saw one doe and another dead doe of about 2 weeks. (maybe a lion kill). So I went to a different canyon the next morning to look for a big drop tine buck that was seen last year and reportedly survived last year’s hunt, maybe? While unloading my atv that morning, I flipped it over while coming off the ramps. That’s the last time I'll ever and I mean EVER unload downhill or on uneven ground. $2,700 later and it's still in the shop being fixed. Well there was no sense in crying over spilt milk ( or atv), I jumped in the truck and put it in 4 low and drove up the road a ways until I found A nice high point to glass not too far from the road. After about an hour, I saw about six 4 points between 20-24" wide. Maybe the biggest will be in the 150 class range but it was still early in the growing season. A few weeks later I scouted some areas around mid-mountain (7000-7500' range) but saw mostly doe and fawn with a few smaller bucks. So then three weeks ago, me and johnyutah5 (Tom) decide to go high. We left the trailhead at 8:00 PM and did not find a level place to camp until 11:30 PM. We ended up camping in some elk beds just below a big saddle at about 9800'. You probably saw the video footage from the next morning. All of it was taken less than a mile from where our tents were pitched. We saw about thirty 3 point or better bucks on that trip. Two weeks later, Sawtooth (Corby) and I went up the same trailhead but went on the other side of a huge canyon from the trip before. We ended up seeing about twenty 3 point or better bucks on that trip and two of them were really nice but we didn't get very good video of them. There was a 170"+ 6x4 that I will be keeping my eye on for the muzzy hunt, unless johnny, sawtooth or idhunter (Paul) get a crack at it with their bows. We also saw a cool looking uneven 3 point, that was very tall. It was missing its G3 on one side and its G4 on the other. I'll try to get sawtooth to share the video of it. We got some video of a group of 22 bucks together with a group of bull elk on the ridge right behind these bucks, which was kind of cool. So in the two trips and in about a 3 square mile area, we saw about 50 bucks that were 3 point or better. Not bad for how bad Utah is doing right now. :-$ Only one week to go and its hunt on. Good luck to all and be safe.
Wow sounds impressive, sorry about the 4-wheeler. Hope you and your friends can put a tag on a couple of them.
Sorry to hear about the ATV man that sucks.
Sounds like you have a pretty good place spotted out ridge. What video are you talking about. I don't think I have seen that one.
Here's the link to the video. http://youtube.com/watch?v=_uzlfcLyF8k
Wow, I had no idea your wheeler would be that expensive to fix. That stinks....Good thing the price was right to begin with :thumb Well you may not be able to unload a wheeler but you sure know how to find them bucks.....hopefully we can get you one on the muzzy.
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Great video and deer!!!
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Nice work over the summer... Sorry about the quad, but maybe it was the reason you were able to find most of those deer....
NOW go STICK one and show the videos. By the way, I love the music to the videos. It's hard not to get excited seeing those deer and listening to the music.
Man Ridge, there are definatly some smokers in that video, good luck to you.

by the way what program are you using to edit and do the video in.
DeadI, ask Johnyutah5. He is our team computer specialist. :not-worthy
6x6 bull
Ridgetop, I just watched Johnnyutah5 video. Tell him it was great!!! The only thing I would tell him to change is find a good George Strait song for background music for the over 50 crowd.
Couple days left and I'll be chasing a few of those deer. Can't wait! =D>

The big question I have before the season starts is what do you think the over-under is on the number of Pope and Young animals I miss this year? My guess is around four. :thumb
"DeadI" wrote:Man Ridge, there are definatly some smokers in that video, good luck to you.

by the way what program are you using to edit and do the video in.
I used Pinnacle Liquid edition (Since I bought the software it's been bought by AVID). Pinnacle Studio is a simple editor if your looking for something a little less expensive. If I were going to spend that kind of money and do it again, I would go with an Apple computer and Final cut, a bit more but worth it in the long run.
"6x6 bull" wrote:Ridgetop, I just watched Johnnyutah5 video. Tell him it was great!!! The only thing I would tell him to change is find a good George Strait song for background music for the over 50 crowd.
You got it, nothing wrong with a little George!!!
"IDHunter" wrote:Couple days left and I'll be chasing a few of those deer. Can't wait! =D>

The big question I have before the season starts is what do you think the over-under is on the number of Pope and Young animals I miss this year? My guess is around four. :thumb
How many are you going to miss? Zero! You leave the missing up to me. For you, I predict 4 animals, 4 shots. Goat, Deer, Elk, Bear--In that order.