What bow to get?

I need a new bow and i am willing to spend up to $800!!! anyone know one worth looking into?
Up to 800.00 for the bow or are you talking with everything included?
no just the bow!!!
How about the Mattews Switchback XT, can you get it for 800.00 ? Not sure.

I don't own one, but have heard good things. There is a thread already going about this bow here also...


I shoot a Martin bow, much cheaper than what you're after though. :)
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For me, one of the bigger influences on which bow I bought was the fact that there was a pro-shop for Mathews fairly close to where I live. As it turns out this was a wise decision, as I can call or just run up there whenever I need something. I was also considering a BowTech and a Hoyt but all dealers for them were a considerable distance away. Just one of many things to consider when buying a new bow. Good luck with your new bow, whichever it may be.
Dude....get a Ross. The CR334 :thumb Sweet shooting machine. You won't be let down, I promise :arrow
Personally, I wouldn't be too set on specific brand names in todays bow business, as most major manufacturers produce quality bows at different levels and price range. My suggestion would be to visit a local pro-shop and shoot ALL the bows you can from the various manufacturers. (Hoyt, Mathews, Bowtech, Martin, PSE, etc.) Pick one that not only shoots good for you, but also feels "right" in your hand and on the draw. VERY important feature that is often over-shadowed by the heavy advertising in today's archery world. Good luck and have fun.
Heads or Tails
Very well said BOHNTR, I tried to post a post eariler saying almost the exact same thing

Don't get caught up too much on brands and advertising hype. The best thing to do is go places where you can touch and feel. Matthews, Bowtech, and Hot are no doubt well knownames, but there are alot of other great bows made out there that you ca get anywhere from 550-800 dollars.
Archery Research, Diamond-by Bowtech, Parker and Ross are all great companies. I love the draw-stop on the Bowtech lines including the Diamond line, yes choclab, Ross bows are very good they fall away from your hand well and have a very smooth role due to the large cam and idler wheel; for me the handle is a little too square and blocky, that is why it is good to go and shoot ad feel for your self.
It is alot like buying a car-or I guess I should say truck here. Go look and try some, one may look great, but doesn't feel as good as another.
You want to keep in mind how much money you want to spend for quality accessories, you don't want to buy a great bow and put cheap accessories on it. That can end up being like spending a 5-700 bucks on a rifle and putting a 75 dollar on it.
I hope that helps, it is always a good question--I broke down and decided to post.

Good luck 4c
Pretty well said :thumb
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I agree try them all out. I shoot Reflex.
The new hoyt Vectrix is a sweet bow. My cousin owns lightning archery in leverkin and i went over there and seen the new vectrix. From what he says the trikon is about the same but the vectrix is alittle quiter I think they are both around 650-800. But i love hoyt bows i think there alot better then any other especially on there warrety they have is really good to.
ok thanks for all the good input. i have checked out the black ice, liberty, justice,and the Reflex and i ended up buying the new 07 black ice made by diamond that is made by bow tech it just fit me perfect and it is sweet!!! now anyone have any recomindations for arrows i have shot easton axis the last 3 years but i am willing to switch but what ever arrow i get it will be wearing a wac em!!!
Heads or Tails
Most bow manufacturers have a lifetime warranty to the original owner of the bow now.
Goldtips i like those
Heads or Tails
That is a great bow, what shop did you end up buying it at?

The Axis are great, a little heavier than some of the others, but that gibes them more kinetic and a good penetration rating. The GoldTips are good and I like Carbon Express Maximas. I use Blazer fletchings on all of mine. You still have great penetration and they are a little lighter which gives you just a little more speed.
I am pretty happy with the Beman ICS camo hunters. At 10 gpi...lays a hurtin' to them critters.
i love my axis arrows but honestly them wackem's im not to thrilled with i shot a deer with one this year and hit just ribbs- every blade in the broadhead was busted off when i recoverd it! i do realize you don't always base your judgement on one thing but i was not happy with them
I have used axis the last 3 years and i totally love them except that i could not get more then about 65 yards out of them and you have to be chuck norris to pull them out of 3D targets so i was going to get the full metal jacket but then i found out that they can bend so i decided to go for the Carbon Express Maximas i will see how they treat me i havent had time to go shoot it much but it does good groups at 60 that is the longest distance that i have shot with it so im sure that i am going to be happy i wont be able to shoot it untill sunday because i am leaving tonight to go slay some yotes on a competition that starts tomorow i will tell you how it shoots when i get back!!! killerbee sorry to hear that about the wac em i have had extreme success with them they leave a blood trail like no other but i have had crappy luck with exspandables and i will never shoot them ever again im talkin a 7 yard shot placed perfectly behind the shoulder and it penetrated only about 3 inches and sorry to say i did not retrieve that buck!!! o ya i got my bow from sportsmanns my cousin works there thats the only reason i hope but know that it will treat me well and i will post any pics of success with it my goal is to get a coyote with it i will 4-sure try but not tomorow thanks for all the replys talk to you all l8er!!!