what call to use? and a pic of a coyote I got with my bow
11/28/12 5:56pm
I am thinking of getting an electronic predator call, preferably with a remote. I am hoping for some input on if there is a decent one for less than $150. Just dont have a ton of money to spend on one. Also, what are strategies or anything that might be helpful. No, I am not asking for where you hunt. I took the ethics course so I can get the bounty for them in UT. It says that you have to turn in the lower jaw and either the full pelt or the scalp with both ears intact. I assume that the scalp is just the top of the head, right? Also, can I use a bone saw to cut the lower jaw off or do I have to remove it at the joint? Thanks. I posted this picture in archery, thought that some people in this forum might like it.

11/29/12 7:23pm
Wow.... were you aiming for his eye? Congrats, Ed F

12/2/12 4:52pm
i was aiming at its fore head. i wish that i could say i was aiming at its eye. it was only 20 yards away.

12/16/12 6:38pm
Nice shot, lol.

1/2/13 6:07am
nothing says i love u like a thunder head to the eye. congrats!!! =D>