What do ya think about this?

My girlfriend and I were out to the bookcliffs this weekend shed hunting and on the way down the road we noticed a guy driving out in the middle of the open chasing a heard of bull elk,as soon as he seen us he hurried and got back on the road and he drove up to us and asked what we were doing and I replied( watching you chase those elk around) I talked to him for a couple minute and he took off, as soon as he took off I noticed there was a bull elk laying out there so I went to check it out and it was still twitching so I emmediately called the DWR and they came out and investigated it, and I just found out todat that they did find a fresh bullet in it and that was the cause of death, there wasnt anyone else around and when the fish and game talked to him he admitted to chasing them but he said he never seen the bull laying there, his tire tracks were less than 100 YDS from were it was laying and there were no trees ,brush,grass of any kind for about 1/2 mile, Do you think its possible to not notice a animal of that size laying there, and do you think he is guilty of the crime ? let me know your thoughts!!
Sounds like he is definitely guilty to me! Hope they nail him!
ya that happens out there alot. ticks me off :222
I know, innocent until proven guilty....HOWEVER....sure seems fishy to me!!

To answer your question, I find it hard to believe that you could miss a full grown bull elk laying less than 100 yards from ya on an open plain like you described, especially if you were out there "lookin"...or "chasin" em.

The way he acted when he spotted ya watching him and the way he hit the trail quickly lead me to believe that he was certainly up to SOMETHING.
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Ya I definetely think hes guilty, hope they get him [-o< , He owns the ranch up the canyon where nobody would ever see anything going on so Im sure hes got away with alot if you know what I mean. :-$
what part of the books were you in. you dont have to tell me your shed hunting spot i just wanna know if it was the south books or up towards vernal
so you get a free tag outa this (???) :-k
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I was down south books,I didnt find any sheds there though ! It probably has something to do with the poaching problem in that area :-k, We did find alot of sheds the next day down south more Ill post some pics soon :) I dont know what or if Ill get anything out of this hopefully a conviction and one less poacher would be nice :)
Good Job. :thumb

If he is guilty I hope that they nail him to the wall.
well right on - just curious - congrats on the catch and 1 less poacher would be GREAT!

cant wait for the pics!
he could be inoccent you know how stupid some people are so anything is possible
hard to say for sure but by the sounds of your view im say GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hang the sucker!
did ya notice if he had a gun on him
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I have to think that if you came on a kill that fresh, either he was involved or was near by when the deed went down and should have some information...
I don't know how the game wardens work over there but if they're as effective as ours, if he did it, they'll know it soon enough.
Good job for making that phone call!
geesh killerbee is that how you feel about poachers/ lololol :))
I would say that if you're willing to chase them with your truck then what is the difference of using a gun? Shoot one and leave it is no different than chasing the whole herd to death to me. Either way he was in the wrong in my eyes.
The Ox
agreed with a_bow_nut
if he was chasing them like that theres a pretty good chace he would shoot them.
well i hope you get a tag outta that you should anyway!!!
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Ya a tag would be nice but I just hope to help the poaching problem, thanks guys!