What do you guys think of this buck?
7/28/09 12:47pm
Well I have never been antelpe hunting before. The tags are pretty few and far between here in Oregon. I took these pictures of this buck through my spotting scope on a recent scouting trip. I am not very good at judging them yet. I know he has really big cutters/fronts. Not sure how tall he is? 14" mabye? How do YOU think he would score? Is he a nice buck or not? If you guys could lend a hand to an antelope novice I would really appreciate it.
great diggers on him!
Good luck! Marvin
there are a couple world class antelope units in oregon, but for the other 90% of the antelope units, i'd say that is a well abouve average goat.
stickflicker, if i was to guess, [ and it would be just a guess] but the state record is probably listed as HARNEY or LAKE county, if so it's more than likely from the hart mountain antelope refuge. that unit is awsome, can hold it's own vs. any unit in america. but it just goes down hill from there for trophy quality. dont get me wrong, i try for some units that aren't considered to be that good, and think i could have some fun hunting. but hart mtn and the rest of oregon , are in two different leagues.
no seriously[ j/k on the above post] for beaty's butte i think you found a shooter! those cutters are very cool, and really , the odds of finding a 15" goat aren't great.
and, is that an Oregon bighorn? if so, you DO have some kind of luck!
This guy was a run of the mill young goat I got east of Cheyenne, I think he was in the 13" range NOTE the prong starts bellow the tip of the ears.
This buck was right at the 80" mark, note the mass on him. His was shy of 16' in lenght. It's a poor pic but It's all I can find.
this is a 14" that almosted booked, when I talk about mass this is what I mean.