What do you guys think of this buck?

Well I have never been antelpe hunting before. The tags are pretty few and far between here in Oregon. I took these pictures of this buck through my spotting scope on a recent scouting trip. I am not very good at judging them yet. I know he has really big cutters/fronts. Not sure how tall he is? 14" mabye? How do YOU think he would score? Is he a nice buck or not? If you guys could lend a hand to an antelope novice I would really appreciate it.
one hunting fool
Nice cutters but thats about all I see worth considering. (as long as your hunting WY, or a trophy area )
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is that an Oregon buck? my last Oregon buck was not as tall as this one

great diggers on him!
Not sure how good for the area? But agreed, he has good cutters and then a bit weak up top. I don't think he is quite 14", but I could be wrong.
I agree, I don't see him going 14", and kind of thin. He does have great prongs, something I've never managed to take in a buck, but have always wanted! If you're looking for one to make the books, he would probably make the minimum for P&Y, but wouldn't score that high. Mass is by far the most important thing to look for in a high scoring Pronghorn. Out of the 12 measurements that comprise the score, 10 of them are either all mass or have a component of mass. Look for a buck that is very heavy above the prong, and at least fair height (over 13) and prongs, and you are looking at a record book buck. At one time in the early 90's Oregon held the World Record in P&Y, so they can produce huge bucks.

Good luck! Marvin
After I posted, it occured to me that some people hunt antelope with things other than a bow. (???) Sorry, I mostly post on bowhunting sites and forget that most of you guys on MM are probably rifle hunters, especially if this is your first Lope hunt. That buck will not make B&C, as the mass is not nearly enough to put it over 80 (82 for all time B&C). So, if your goal is a Book buck, I'd keep looking for something with excellent mass. If you're just looking for a great looking buck, that is a very cool looking one, and it would make a nice mount.

what unit do you have a tag for?
there are a couple world class antelope units in oregon, but for the other 90% of the antelope units, i'd say that is a well abouve average goat.

stickflicker, if i was to guess, [ and it would be just a guess] but the state record is probably listed as HARNEY or LAKE county, if so it's more than likely from the hart mountain antelope refuge. that unit is awsome, can hold it's own vs. any unit in america. but it just goes down hill from there for trophy quality. dont get me wrong, i try for some units that aren't considered to be that good, and think i could have some fun hunting. but hart mtn and the rest of oregon , are in two different leagues.
Thanks for all the great responses and feedback. Yes, this is in Oregon. My tag is in the Beatys Butte unit. It is one of the units that the Hart Mountain refuge is in. But of course I cant hunt on the refuge, that tag takes 15 or 16 points to draw as a resident. - Leo
"Leo" wrote:Thanks for all the great responses and feedback. Yes, this is in Oregon. My tag is in the Beatys Butte unit. It is one of the units that the Hart Mountain refuge is in. But of course I cant hunt on the refuge, that tag takes 15 or 16 points to draw as a resident. - Leo
well, theres 25% of the tags that go to the random draw, and considering your luckey&*%$^^((%^^(^%$$#^^&*%(&^$%^#$#&*% drew a big horn sheep tag you should try lol

no seriously[ j/k on the above post] for beaty's butte i think you found a shooter! those cutters are very cool, and really , the odds of finding a 15" goat aren't great.
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I agree on the quality of trophies you'll find in most of Oregon's antelope units

and, is that an Oregon bighorn? if so, you DO have some kind of luck!
He put most of his mass in the prongs, hard to find prongs that heavy. I would consider him a shooter in a public area for sure.
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If that was a Wyoming Buck I'd pass him, until the prong is above the ear's you can bet that it's a young buck (the ears are around 7" on antelope). Mass is more importante than lenght. I hear guys bragging up 16" buck's that will not go 75, do to their lack out mass.

This guy was a run of the mill young goat I got east of Cheyenne, I think he was in the 13" range NOTE the prong starts bellow the tip of the ears.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/2008%20hunting/2008larry001-1.jpg" alt="" />

This buck was right at the 80" mark, note the mass on him. His was shy of 16' in lenght. It's a poor pic but It's all I can find.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/Larryhunting028.jpg" alt="" />

this is a 14" that almosted booked, when I talk about mass this is what I mean.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/0916071526.jpg" alt="" />
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thats a nice buck , looks like a shooter to me .
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wow - Larry - I've never seen cutters like those on that last one!
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It's a nice buck but I don't think it will go 14". The diggers look really long but I think that's also because he's small on the mass. I sent you a PM about where I killed my muzzleloader buck maybe that'll have a BC buck. The buck I killed didn't go 14" but had excellent mass scoring 72and change. Not a great buck but it was a muzzleloader hunter after the rifle hunt and we found more ribcages and pelts in the desert then we did live bucks. Oregon has some really good antelope hunts they just take a lifetime to draw. I have friends that killed 87 and 84 antelope in the Whitehorse unit-before there were two hunts and a 90 was killed in the Steens a few years back.