what do you think

Hi Guys, I always enjoy the posts that I find here on the form. And I learn a lot of things that make me a better bow hunter, and being a trinket junky I'm always looking for the next new gizmo that I REALLY NEED to have.
I have seen several shows on the outdoor channel where they were using the "Burnt Coyote" lighted nocks.
They sure make it easy to follow the arrow in flight.
My question is this, have any of you used them? And if so what is your opinion of how they work, and do they affect arrow flight?
I also notice that there are a lot of the little blazer vanes being used. What do you think of them. Thanks Treetop

I've used the Lumenocs a few times at 3D tournaments just to see what all the hype was about. I was not impressed. Half the time they wouldn't work.....they are far more expensive.....and unless I'm shooting after/before legal shooting light, they are no better than my flourecent vanes already on my arrows. Furthermore, P&Y / B&C currently does not consider them as fair chase at this time. As a result, any animal taken with a Lumenoc type system is ineligible for entry into the records program.

When Bohning released the Blazer Vanes a fews years back, I was skeptical. However, after testing them I learned real quick they are the real deal! There is not a better vane that will control and steer a broadhead than a Blazer, IMO. They also have far less wind drift than conventional 4-5" vanes when shooting in a light/moderate crosswind. I use them exclusively now. Of course, this is just my opinion.
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I used Lumenocks this winter chasing coyotes and bobbers and they helped tremendously in finding my arrows. Even in daylight I could spot the lumenock shining in a clump of sagebrush. I didn't realize that they were not P/Y legal though, thanks for the info BOHNTR.

The main benefit I have noticed from Blazers is their durability. I would say I have around 800 shots on a set of 6 arrows and the blazers show no signs of wear.
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Thanks for the replys.
I'm still shooting my old XX75's with the 4" vanes.
If I ever switch to carbon I'll make the step up to the blazers then.
These old arrows still work and I have a hard time just putting them on the shelf and moving on. They are kind of like me, old and slow but they just keep on year after year. Besides they give my kids something to tease me about. Later treetop