What do You Think of This

I think it's a shame.
There are a couple VERY GOOD trophy class Muleys wasting away here.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010035-2.jpg" alt="" />

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010036-1.jpg" alt="" />
looks like you helped yourself in the last pic
"gilamonster8" wrote:looks like you helped yourself in the last pic

its a different wheel. look at the house behind it.
These pics are from a ranch front yard. I visited with the owners last week and asked if I could take a couple photos.

The pics may not show it real well, but there is 1 monster rack in each photo.
The bases were as big as my wrists and more than 30 inches wide.

The ranch owner killed these bucks on the ranch.

If I had them I would certainly take care of them, not let them waste away outside.
Most ranchers around here dont give a damn about horns,i know of a 235" nontyp nailed to a barn and a 190" wt rack sitting in a chicken coup,almost every old ranch yard has a pile of racks laying around it somewhere,to each his own.
to me it is a waste. but i do know a lot of older people who have never put a value on a big mule deer rack. they just throw them away with the head and cape.
Oh Yeah, i''ve noticed it for years. For sure! back here in whitetail country to.

But! now I have the camera and the internet.

At least now I can share with other antler freaks. =D> =D>