What do You Think of This
10/28/07 6:11pm
I think it's a shame.
There are a couple VERY GOOD trophy class Muleys wasting away here.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010035-2.jpg " alt="" />

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010036-1.jpg " alt="" />
There are a couple VERY GOOD trophy class Muleys wasting away here.

its a different wheel. look at the house behind it.
The pics may not show it real well, but there is 1 monster rack in each photo.
The bases were as big as my wrists and more than 30 inches wide.
The ranch owner killed these bucks on the ranch.
If I had them I would certainly take care of them, not let them waste away outside.
But! now I have the camera and the internet.
At least now I can share with other antler freaks. =D> =D>