what grain bullet to use?

What grain bullet should i use for mulies? .50 cal. thanks for all inputs. Eztatt
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Not a lot of action on the ML board. I am new to shooting a muzzleloader. Just got one a few weeks ago. By now, you are probably off and running. If not, here's what worked for me. I have a buddy shooting the same gun. He is using .348 grain Powerbelts. Great for deer and elk. He would not tell me how much powder. Told me to start at 80 grains of Triple 7, and work up in 5 gr. increments. At 90 gr. I was shooting a less than 1/2 inch group (I swear) at 50 yards. So, that's what I am shooting. From what I read, every gun is different, and likes a different load. You have to experiment. From there I adjusted the sights and brought it in to 3 inches high at 50 yards. Next trip to the range, I will be shooting 100 yards, and then shooting off hand.

I'm a ML rookie, and had a few problems with getting my cleaning jag stuck, and the breech plug stuck as well. But, it's a lot of fun once you get going.

Best to you!
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"eztatt2003" wrote:What grain bullet should i use for mulies? .50 cal. thanks for all inputs. Eztatt

Everything you have heard about the TC Omega is true. I own the TC Omega .50 cal. It has been the best muzzleloader I have ever owned. I shoot 195 grain powerbelt bullets and 100 grains of triple 7 powder. I can shoot 6 bullets within a 4 inch group at 100 yards with open sites. I couldn't even shoot this good with my 300 winchester mag rifle with a scope. As far as the question goes, I love 195 grain bullets for mule deer. I have found the best results as far as accuracy and knock down with the powerbelts. The buffalo bullets are not as good as everyone says. I cannot shoot as good of a pattern as I can with the powerbelts using the same powder. As far as the TC Omega muzzleloader goes, my hat is off to the designers of this gun. They have done an awesome job.