what gun to use???

I drew a mule deer tag for colorado. I have a sweet .300 win mag Thompson Center Pro hunter. I would love to use this gun but I want to know if it is the right one or not. As you know the TC is a single shot. would i be better off going with something else? thanks for the help
A 300 win mag will be plenty of gun. The question is how accurate is the gun and how accurate are you with the gun. Only one shot often makes you take the time to make sure the shot you take counts. Only you can really answer whether you are comfortable taking the gun or not.
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I am a good shot up to 350 yards. I hunt antelope and have no problems there. but further...its tough to practice that in kansas...
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A single shot should be fine, as long as you make it count.
The caliber is more than enough and a great flat shooting round. As everyone else has said if you are comfortable with it then there won't be a problem. 350 yards is pleanty of range if you think the stalk is the best part of hunting like I do!!!!
My advice: If you are confident with it, use it. Dont get to know a new gun just for this hunt. It sounds like you are confident with it if you can shoot to 350. Plenty of gun stick with it. -Leo
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yah, I just thought it would be cool to get a neat new caliber to try out. .325 wsm or .270 wsm or a .257. I would also like to say i shot one with my TC...who knows...its a ways away :)
Well you can always buy a new rifle now and start practicing up for the 2010 season. For this season I would stick to the one your comfortable with though.
"numbnutz" wrote:A single shot should be fine, as long as you make it count.