What handheld GPS do you guys recommend?
4/6/14 10:48am
I am looking to get a handheld GPS for hunting, hiking, etc. The standard stuff. What do you guys use and trust?

4/8/14 3:39pm
I love my Garmin Oregon 450T.

4/8/14 5:46pm
I also use the garmin Oregon 450t it great. You will have to get huntinggps maps to go with it.

4/10/14 9:02am
Thanks for the replies! I like the look of that gps and seems to be a good choice.

6/14/14 8:31pm
I've been looking for a new one too. I like the Garmon 450T just not sure about the idea of a touch screen. I am leanning towards a 62st or a 64st.....and definetly adding huntinggpsmaps card into it.

6/15/14 12:39am
I got the 450 and the hunting gps maps but I haven't had a chance to play with it much. The touch screen at first seems a little funny from being use to a iphone, but it seems like if I play with it enough I will get use to it. I have a friend who has one of the ones like the 62, and I like having the larger screen.

6/16/14 6:31pm
How much bigger is the 450 screen.....I also see where its hard toi find a 450 looks like Garmin stopped making them?

6/16/14 8:45pm
I do not know the size difference exactly, my friend is the one who has been able to compare them. And yeah I noticed that when I went about trying to find one. Hunting gps maps actually has the oregon 450 for sale in their gps section for $250.

1/3/15 5:21pm
My wife bought me the 62s last year and it's awesome. You can find them on sale pretty often. My buddy used his in Wyoming and it saved us from almost going onto private land by mistake. The map chips you can get for them are really worth the $99.

1/19/15 4:16am
I don't use a handheld gps, I use an iOS app - Spyglass. It's a great navigational toolkit that has an impressive layout and endless list of functions. It supports different maps, including Google maps, Apple maps, Open Street map and Open Cycle map. You can download maps in advance and don't bother about cell signal. It also has many useful features, such as marking waypoints, saving spots (for example, you car or stands locations), measuring your speed and distance to the target, sharing locations with friends and much more. The app even has a sniper's rangefinder!I found it pretty useful for hunting and navigating in the woods.

2/23/15 4:09am
Add another vote for the Oregon 450T. I've had mine for 3 years now and used it utah,Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. Without it I still might be in Montana trying to find my way back to my atv haha