What is going on around here?

I recently have become somewhat irritated with all the immature, childish, and quite honestly silly crap that people have been posting around here. Let me explain; this use to be a site where many great people would hang out, a place where we could talk, exchange ideas, exchange knowledge, and a place to have fun. Recently there has been some question on whether or not people that are posting are really who they say they are, and some different posts with some folks trying to cause problems rather than being a member of this site.

Brett, first of all I give you my respect, you have a great website that I throughly enjoy coming to and learning new things and contributing when I can. I know that you do your best to try and weed some of this stuff out before the rest of us have to read it. I guess the only thing you can do is hope that people will have some respect for others before they try and post this garbage that has been posted lately. I will bet that if you read through only the most recent posts you will find that 90% of it is the stuff I talked about earlier, you know CRAP!

I hope that those of you who didn't come here to participate in this website will do one of three things. Number one; try and act like a mature respectful person, number two; grow the heck up, or the third, which let me tell you I prefer, GET LOST!

Those that come here frequently know exactly who I am talking about, there is at least four people that have recently made accounts around here that I am talking about. I don't understand why anyone would want to come on here and try to stir the pot. The one post that I will use as an example was posted by wrmdnkr, and I am not accusing him of anything, but the post is named "watch out" and if what he is saying is true I think everyone will feel about the same as I do.
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Thanks for the props for my warning. I think that it's important to maintain a site full of responsible people that respect one another. Young people should be able to post their opinions too, like our good friend shorty the spike boy. He obviously is just getting into hunting and doesn't understand everything there is to know, let's allow him to have his own opinions.

I agree with you completely, all folks around here should be entitled to there own opinions. I think having the younger generation of hunters involved is a vital part of our future as hunters. I hold nothing against them. However there have been several, not one or two, but several people that have shown some irritation as too the kind of and content of posts being posted around here. I am not holding one or two people responsible for what has obviously become a bigger problem, for the crap that has been going on around here lately. We have folks claiming to be someone they are not and people spouting there mouths off to people they have no idea about.

Here is what I think! Spike boy, shorty, and all others WELCOME to muleymadness. I hope you find this site as fun and educational as I have. I think that shorty had a run-in with another one of the members around here. I know for a fact that no matter what shorty had to say, he was fighting a fight there was no winning. I think that he learned his lesson and has been pretty good about it since. I actually really appreciate the fact that he seems to be one of the few returning people around here. I think it is great, as last year about this time I felt like I was talking to myself. He continues to contribute and that is sweet. He is not afraid to start a new topic, whether it is a question, a poll, or a comment. He is entitled to his opinions, and to be honest with you wrmdnkr he is not one of the folks I was talking about. He seems like a pretty straight shooter, even though he has been accused of being someone he is not. He and I definetly have different opinions about certain things, but that is what makes them our own opinions. In fact, like I stated in an earlier post he and I actually had alot in common. I actually use to think alot like him, I have changed my opinions, as I am sure the more he grows and the more he experiences his opinions will be drastically changed, although he may not believe it now, I guarntee they will someday.

So in closing I say this, you have your opinions just like this post is my opinion! Let's just knock the crap off! If you want to contribute to the site, FINE! If you want to stir the pot, go somewhere else. I simply have just had enough of it. I keep in pretty close contact with three or four other folks that refuse to contribute because of it. I meet them on this site but they contacted me through my personal contact information and email each other once or twice a week. I have tried to get them to sign up an account and be a part of the forums but they are still pretty reluctant because of the things being posted, they just don't want to be a part of it.
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It's Called an attiutide ajustment and i need one my self, so do some others i agree with you bolth thanks for the info and i will try to be a better SHORTY than i was when i first came here but there are other jorkers on this sight and one of them is m6_rider he is a complete jorker. He is this kid at school that pics on me because i am short i am tired of his S***.


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Hey shorty,
maybe you should report that kid for picking on you. I thought it was immature that he has been pretending to be your dad. Also muleyman, glad to know that shorty wasn't one of those looking to stir the pot.
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Well i would but then it would be a mess i try to keep my posts to this sight and the topic.

Thanks,wrmdnkr, and,WYMULEYMAN.
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Keep up the good work shorty, I see you just became a three point. By the way, are you a napoleon dynamite fan? Just wondering.
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All this crap is the very reason I am absent around here so much. This forum sometimes reads like an Oprah show script.

How 'bout let's talk mule deer huntin' !! They will be drawing those coveted Wyoming tags within the next 30 days.

I've got my fingers, toes, and legs crossed for good luck........and good luck to all you fellers too.



It is nice to know you are still alive and kicking, haven't heard from you in awhile. However, I can understand why you wouldn't want to reply lately. As I have been somewhat dormant myself lately. It is nice to know someone still wants to talk hunting and not play these sissy lala bedwetter games.

So you are anticipating the wyoming draw, are you! You and me both! I am going to still hunt muleys this year, but decided to try and concentrate on elk this year. I have killed a couple good deer lately and it has been six years since my last elk hunt, at least for bulls. I haven't even had an elk tag in my pocket for three or four good years. My roommate and I have found us a good deer this past winter season. This spring we have been out looking for him, but have been unsuccessful thus far. My roommate should some interest in taking this deer this fall so I told him I would help him find and watch him this off season. GOOD LUCK on this years draws.
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I have put in again for that magic little area up by Thermop for both muleys and speed-goats. Hope my luck holds out but it probably won't. I think we will go out there anyway and maybe hunt jack rabbits or coyotes. After all, the trip is the thing with us, whether we hunt anything or not.

We tried the elk thing a few years ago in Colorado. After you down one of those beasts, the fun is over with. We did not have horses or packers or any means of getting the thing out other than by our own hands and feet. Not much fun for old guys like us, huffing and puffing in an altitude that is 9000 feet higher than our home turf of 325 ft above sea level. If I had the money to pay an outfitter it would be different. Alas, I don't.

Hope you draw the tags you want.
Even for us folks that are use to the elevations around here, those elk are a chore no matter what. Espically when you can't afford an outfitter with horses. I have grown acustom to doing it the hard way, you know a pack frame and my own will power. The fun really does end when the elk is on the ground, but I don't mind, I guess the reason I do it year after year.

We shot a big ole' bear a couple weeks ago, I will tell you, getting one of those stinkin' things out on back is not what I would call a great time. But it was work all the work in the end.

Hope your luck holds out in wyoming!!!!
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Hello Room,

Well im not really going to get involved in all this "nonsense" going on around in this room and instead im going to talk about my HOPEFULLY upcoming hunt. I am going to put in for a anterless antelope for the first time in my life up at Deseret Ut. and I am wondering on how the crap do you hunt a antelope? LOL pathetic isn't it but I hope to find at least one or two good replies on this so maybe my hunt will be a successfull one and to be honest I am not going on the hunt for the antelope but instead the experience and memory of it. The rules are is that you put in for a draw which I am putting in with a group.....my dad, bro-in-laws, uncle and maybe a sister but if you do draw than your taken up to a range in Salt Lake and after your proven that your a good enough shot than your let go and its only about 30 big ones to hunt so that is REALLY affordable for a guy like me. I am taking my trusty Savage 30-06 with me that hopefully will prove once again why I bought the stinkin thing and some field binocs and you know the other needs but all in all I really don't know what to prepare for except a very weary and curious animal that can prolly travel faster than the bullet can outta my gun. Anyhow well thanks for reading this post and may the upcoming hunt come in fast and go out with a BANG!!! "~Take My Shirt, Take My Hat, Even Take My Boots But Please Don't Take My Rifle~"
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I have never seen that movie i don;t watch many shows.

Well there aint to much to it to get a doe. Just drive doun the road and shoot one if there are enough in the erea.

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shorty is right, there isn't much to it, just drive down the road in a proven antelope area, and scout out the window with a good set of binoculars.
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I ain't no expert on speed-goats but I have hunted them successfully several times in Wyoming. Yes, you can (and should) drive thru areas that have antelope and glass for the herds. Once you have found one with a suitable animal you would like to take, then the real hunt begins. I like to stalk them to within the closest range possible to make it more challenging. I can make a 300-400 yard shot most of the time, but the real thrill of pronghorn hunting is the stalk.....playing the wind and the shadows and the terrain. Sometimes this is easy but when those critters are in rut, they are wild, wild, wild. Since you are hunting does, you might try to make the best out of the hunt by seeking a horned doe. They comprise about 2 to 5 % of the does population and some of them have some really large "spikes"....some going nearly 4 inches or so. Usually there are a lot more does than bucks in a herd so you can be pretty selective. The does also are not quite as skittish as the bucks but they ain't tame for sure.

Take your time, pick out a good one, and have fun.