What is "pin bracketing"
8/20/08 5:04pm
in Bowtech43 post of his first archery kill he mentions 'pin bracketing'
can anyone explain to me what this is? Don't know if I have ever heard of it.
can anyone explain to me what this is? Don't know if I have ever heard of it.
"We used to get a piece of paper or cardboard and mark out 16 inches for a deer's chest. You will find that when you stand at say 40 yards, that the space between your 40 and 50 yard pins brackets the 16 inches. Do this for 20, 30, 40 yards and find what pins bracket the 16 inches. At 20 my 20 through 40 yard pins bracket the 16 inches, at 30, 20 through halfway to 40 fills the space, and 40 my 40 to 50 do it. Last year I was going to shoot a good buck at 25 and he ran off and stopped. A quick look at what pins fit him and I knew he was at 40 and killed him. I wouldn't have had time to rangefind him. You will need to see how YOUR pins bracket the 16 inch space to determine how to do it. It may be different because the spaces between your pins is different I'm sure. An elk is about 26 inches, so if you are hunting elk determine how to bracket them. This works quite well if you practice it especially on a 3-D range."