what is the beat video camera for the money?

Hey guys, so I have been wanting to film some wildlife lately and have been looking at cameras. What do you all think is the beat camera for the money? Also what zoom and megapixel would you recommend for videoing out to 300 yards? I'd like to spend less than 400 dollars if possible. Thanks!
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UThunter - I have a Canon camera that my in-laws bought to film deer with, but never really used. They paid a good chunk of change for it, but want to sell it since it's just sitting in the closet. It is Canon GL2NTSC, with a 20x optical and 100x digital (real digital, not the distorting awful one on cheap cameras) zoom. It also has a Century Optics GL1 2x teleconverter, so you can double all the previous numbers! Professional style camera with stereo audio and all that good stuff. It also has a bag, Canon battery, extended Canon battery, and all the normal plugs, wires, etc. They want $400 for it if you're interested!
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I may be interested let me talk to my wife and get back to you. Thanks !
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Hey. I have been doing a lot of filming over the past few years, and have compared several in that price range side by side and in many hunting and lighting situations. I would suggest Panasonic all the way. They have the best zoom, image stabilization, and video quality of all the cameras I have tried. I have have put a list together by price here: http://solvidsystems.com/camera-recommendations/

You can check out videos I have taken with them here: http://solvidsystems.com/videos/hunting/