what is the biggest she you ever got?
1/13/07 9:56am
What is the biggest shed you ever got?
just kidding
WOW!! :not-worthy :not-worthy
Those are HUGE!! Thanks for sharing!
Glad you guys enjoyed the pictures.
Sure hope he wasn't poached...what a waist of a monster buck!
I hope he at least passed his genes on!
Good grief, that is a lot of BONE! Impressive, 102 in a single day is simply amazing...only in my dreams. :)
This is my biggest muley shed....it scores 94...almost 95
My dad picked this one up...it would have been pushing 90" if it hadnt broke its monster double eyeguard
Here is a good day of elk sheds
This 4 point scores a little over 83"
A few fresh sheds from a couple years ago
This fresh one is a scores a little over 82"
The bigger side of this set is scores a little over 83" and the weak side goes 75 or 76"
Here is part of my collection
Flippin awesome collection, you been out this year yet?
My buddy has been kickn @## this year with the bigger browns....he has found 4 that are 80" or better so far and none of them are sets!
We have been watching a few bucks in an area that gets hit pretty hard but hope nobody else picks them up....one is a 4 point pushing 190" and another is a 4x6 that is 195 or a little better.
Also Saturday I spotted another buck while I was out with a couple other buddies that I plan to keep an eye on....33-35" wide and pushing 200" as a straight 4 point....biggest 4 ive ever seen!
I will post a picture of my finds from the year when I get them uploaded....biggest so far is a hard white that is right at 80" and is a 5 point.
Sounds awesome, thanks and keep us posted!
Arch, I was thinking the same thing.
If you'll send me the GPS coordinates to the shed hunting site I'm willing to go lookin for you lol
If you'll send me the GPS coordinates to the shed hunting site I'm willing to go lookin for you lol[/quote]
Thats about the dumbest thing i've ever heard lol thanks anyway but i hunt sheds alone. dont even let my best friend or little brother go with me!!
Okay, understood. I'll just have to find out what truck you drive, follow you, and then race you up the hill for the 400+" sheds lol
I am kidding.
Time to grow up brother, poaching steals from all of us. I'm bothered that anyone would even make a remark like that.
(maybe you shouldn't be wearing that TU shirt son and leave the horn hunting to the big dawgs!!!!)
So let me get this right, Are you saying that, If we shed hunt for fun then we shouldn't wear, or have anything to do with TINES UP. Is that what you meant by that comment. If so then, Thats a real good way to market TINES UP. :>/
No man thats not what i ment! Shed hunting is about fun and to some of us its our life and thats all we think and care about and thats why its a big ordeal to some of us!! and im not here to market tines up. you can love em or hate em it makes no difference to me but to them shed huntin is a big ordeal and thats why they have the TU buiness!