what is the biggest she you ever got?

What is the biggest shed you ever got?
a 5 point elk shed and a 4 point mule deer shed.
I'm the guy that found the last set from the buck of justice.
just kidding
Mine was a 5 point mule deer from colorado.
c'mon ya liars - lets see some pics!
Oh well i found match sets from popeyeand morty in the same year!!!! :nono: ok -- just popeye :))
ya i was just gonna say that i found mortys matched set.lol
Here are my sheds
http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k257/Aaron_57/S5030209.jpg" alt="" />
http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k257/Aaron_57/S5030208.jpg" alt="" />
nice sheds
Nothing to big, but here is a few me, my dad, and brothers have picked up over the years.

http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/7708-2/sheds.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/7661-2/dal2.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/7711-2/buck_skull.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/7718-2/buck_skull1.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/7720-2/elkshed.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/7675-2/elkshed_001.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/files/img_1508_552.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/files/elk_shed_193.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/3_point_shed.jpg" alt="" />
http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/skull.jpg" alt="" />
Love your sheds keep on posting more on there
sure Brett nothing to big.lol. if there not to big i bet you would like to give me those sheds in the second picture.lol. just kiddin.
A nice four point with double eye guards and some small kickers
Nice sheds I'm going out the next two weekends probably a little early in some places but you never know
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I found a huge seven point while hunting this years, scores 107 and some change.
the 4 point score 83 1/8
the 4 point score 83 1/8
My antler dog
My antler dog
the hog
the hog
Great sheds! :thumb Western Hunter, I use to see a lot of monster muleys wintering over by your stomping ground. Just NW of ********, do you ever go shed hunting in that area?
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Every spring, thats my honey hole somewhere in there. shhh dont tell.
SHHHHHHH, sorry! #-o
nice sheds and not bad phone either
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Lets see some more pics!!!!
I picked up three years of this buck.
Somebody tried to poach this deer that year because there is a 22 bullet lodged in the antler. Its hard to see in the picture but I dug around and can see it in there.
Somebody tried to poach this deer that year because there is a 22 bullet lodged in the antler. Its hard to see in the picture but I dug around and can see it in there.

WOW!! :not-worthy :not-worthy

Those are HUGE!! Thanks for sharing!
WOW!!!!!!!!!! is that deer still running around?
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can you say beast.. wow those are great sheds, thanks for the eye candy,
I believe he got poached since the last year I picked up his sheds there was a .22 bullet lodged in one side in the picture I posted. I seen him in velvet the last year I saw him on the hoof. I never saw him again or heard of local killing this buck. I keep thinking some day I will see and find some of his offspring in the area.
Glad you guys enjoyed the pictures.
"bigbuck92" wrote:WOW!!!!!!!!!! is that deer still running around?
Man, he was one PIG of a buck!

Sure hope he wasn't poached...what a waist of a monster buck!

I hope he at least passed his genes on!
Those are some Great looking sheds. keep them comming! :thumb
WOW! Nice Finds :thumb
jtmn, Nice sheds and to get the same buck three years in a row. Good job! =D>
man that is a pig. Very cool looks like you should have been the one to get him.
This was one of my better days last year shed hunting.
awesome finds!
That is a GREAT day for sure. :thumb
I had one good day like that,i walked a timbered ridge overlooking a hayfield and it was a gold mine,antlers everywhere and all different ages,i havnt been back for 4 years and im going back this spring its a 5 mile walk from the highway and i dont think anyone ever looks there.
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here is some one day finds. the most i ever found was 102 in one day but i can't seem to find the picture
what to do with old sheds
what to do with old sheds
63 shed day
63 shed day
one day 70 sheds
one day 70 sheds
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here are some more pics
06 browns
06 browns
3 yrs same buck
3 yrs same buck
back yard bones
back yard bones

Good grief, that is a lot of BONE! Impressive, 102 in a single day is simply amazing...only in my dreams. :)
cmiddleton, Nice to see you on Muley Madness. Great finds! :thumb
huntenfever, I like the one on the red cooler. Great job!
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I tried posting these yesterday but instead of hitting the submit tab I must have just hit the preview tab and then exited lol
This is my biggest muley shed....it scores 94...almost 95
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/b14db4e8.jpg" alt="" />
My dad picked this one up...it would have been pushing 90" if it hadnt broke its monster double eyeguard
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/scan0007.jpg" alt="" />
Here is a good day of elk sheds
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/scan0008.jpg" alt="" />
This 4 point scores a little over 83"
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/scan0002.jpg" alt="" />
A few fresh sheds from a couple years ago
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/sheds_2003_004.jpg" alt="" />
This fresh one is a scores a little over 82"
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/Big405.jpg" alt="" />
The bigger side of this set is scores a little over 83" and the weak side goes 75 or 76"
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/may31stset180.jpg" alt="" />
Here is part of my collection
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v94/YoungBuck/ATKM.jpg" alt="" />
wow Youngbuck ya got quite the collection
ill post 1 of my 6-7 point elk drop i found hunting in the best place ever .............................ELY, NEVADA!!! IT'S THE BEST BY FAR . ANY STATE THAT HAS CEDARS I LUV!

Flippin awesome collection, you been out this year yet?
Thats alot of sheds. Great job at all those finds.
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Ive been for the last few weekends....so far ive picked up 9 browns and about 31 whites....an elk shed and skull....also a dead 1x2 buck and a fresh 170ish class fresh buck (4 point)
My buddy has been kickn @## this year with the bigger browns....he has found 4 that are 80" or better so far and none of them are sets!
We have been watching a few bucks in an area that gets hit pretty hard but hope nobody else picks them up....one is a 4 point pushing 190" and another is a 4x6 that is 195 or a little better.
Also Saturday I spotted another buck while I was out with a couple other buddies that I plan to keep an eye on....33-35" wide and pushing 200" as a straight 4 point....biggest 4 ive ever seen!
I will post a picture of my finds from the year when I get them uploaded....biggest so far is a hard white that is right at 80" and is a 5 point.

Sounds awesome, thanks and keep us posted!
Very nice collection you must spend a lot of time way to go!!!
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I had a buddy of mine take my big 4 point with him to utah to get it officially scored....the net score on it is 92 2/8....gross score on it is 95 2/8"....so it is over 95"
I had a buddy of mine take my big 4 point with him to utah to get it officially scored....the net score on it is 92 2/8....gross score on it is 95 2/8"....so it is over 95"
WOW! Impressive! :thumb
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one side of a nontypical scored officially at 108!!!!!!!! give that an inside spread!!
That's a lot of antlers...Congrats. :thumb
give that an inside spread!!
Arch, I was thinking the same thing.
shed hunter
:arrow mine was a massive 4
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When i was 7 years old i found a 7 point bull elk horn me and my dad had a good year that year and found about 30 elk sheds
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Mine biggest elk shed was when I was about 6, I found a 7 point elk shed, someone stole it though, and my biggest deer shed was when I was 9 I found a 5 point deer shed in Colorado.
Biggest elk set i've ever found was last year a broken up set that still scored 402. its hard to say exactly how much is broken but its around 25 to 30 inches!!
"Shedfreak88" wrote:Biggest elk set i've ever found was last year a broken up set that still scored 402. its hard to say exactly how much is broken but its around 25 to 30 inches!!
Where at? I'll go get them this year. If they're not too broken up we'll be able to see how much was broken off.

If you'll send me the GPS coordinates to the shed hunting site I'm willing to go lookin for you lol
Where at? I'll go get them this year. If they're not too broken up we'll be able to see how much was broken off.

If you'll send me the GPS coordinates to the shed hunting site I'm willing to go lookin for you lol[/quote]

Thats about the dumbest thing i've ever heard lol thanks anyway but i hunt sheds alone. dont even let my best friend or little brother go with me!!
"Shedfreak88" wrote:Where at? I'll go get them this year. If they're not too broken up we'll be able to see how much was broken off.

If you'll send me the GPS coordinates to the shed hunting site I'm willing to go lookin for you lol
Thats about the dumbest thing i've ever heard lol thanks anyway but i hunt sheds alone. dont even let my best friend or little brother go with me!![/quote]

Okay, understood. I'll just have to find out what truck you drive, follow you, and then race you up the hill for the 400+" sheds lol

I am kidding.
well ShedFreak your kinda stuck up when it comes to sheds then aren't ya,? I go out and look for sheds for fun i dont think it should be this big ordeal where you dont let people go with ya but alright. And also on that buck on page 3 about it getting shot at that sucks that someone is out there trying to poach things like him because of the fact of them helping out the gene pools in the area, that's the main reason i dont like poachers, i'm more leaniant on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks just because i've seen so many damn ugly ones i want them out of the way also.
"*ShedPredator*" wrote:well ShedFreak your kinda stuck up when it comes to sheds then aren't ya,? I go out and look for sheds for fun i dont think it should be this big ordeal where you dont let people go with ya but alright. And also on that buck on page 3 about it getting shot at that sucks that someone is out there trying to poach things like him because of the fact of them helping out the gene pools in the area, that's the main reason i dont like poachers, i'm more leaniant on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks just because i've seen so many dang ugly ones i want them out of the way also.
I agreed with everything you said up to the point of " I'm more leanient on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks" beacause they are ugly? You want them out of the way?
Time to grow up brother, poaching steals from all of us. I'm bothered that anyone would even make a remark like that.
"*ShedPredator*" wrote:well ShedFreak your kinda stuck up when it comes to sheds then aren't ya,? I go out and look for sheds for fun i dont think it should be this big ordeal where you dont let people go with ya but alright. And also on that buck on page 3 about it getting shot at that sucks that someone is out there trying to poach things like him because of the fact of them helping out the gene pools in the area, that's the main reason i dont like poachers, i'm more leaniant on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks just because i've seen so many dang ugly ones i want them out of the way also.
Well shedpredator thats the difference between you and me, shed hunting is a big ordeal to me and thats why i pick up big $hiz!!! so if shed hunting isn't that big of ordeal to you then maybe you shouldn't be wearing that TU shirt son and leave the horn hunting to the big dawgs!!!!
"*ShedPredator*" wrote:well ShedFreak your kinda stuck up when it comes to sheds then aren't ya,? I go out and look for sheds for fun i dont think it should be this big ordeal where you dont let people go with ya but alright. And also on that buck on page 3 about it getting shot at that sucks that someone is out there trying to poach things like him because of the fact of them helping out the gene pools in the area, that's the main reason i dont like poachers, i'm more leaniant on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks just because i've seen so many dang ugly ones i want them out of the way also.
ya, i cant really believe you would type that?? kinda stupid if you ask me.........
"killerbee" wrote:
*ShedPredator* wrote:well ShedFreak your kinda stuck up when it comes to sheds then aren't ya,? I go out and look for sheds for fun i dont think it should be this big ordeal where you dont let people go with ya but alright. And also on that buck on page 3 about it getting shot at that sucks that someone is out there trying to poach things like him because of the fact of them helping out the gene pools in the area, that's the main reason i dont like poachers, i'm more leaniant on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks just because i've seen so many dang ugly ones i want them out of the way also.
ya, i cant really believe you would type that?? kinda stupid if you ask me.........
No wonder Utah needs a shed hunting ethics course.......
"NONYA" wrote:No wonder Utah needs a shed hunting ethics course.......
Wait wait wait I didn't ever say that I liked it when people go out and loach the cactus bucks I said I was more leniant on them saying I would rather them kill cactus bucks rather than regular bucks that can actually produce more animals I still do believe that it is wrong to loach either way. And shedfreak later on when I get out of schooling and have the chance to actually get out and look for the bigger sheds then I will talk more game with you.
You can talk all the game you want man! I found my biggest set when i was still in school so there's no excuse there man!
"Shedfreak88" wrote:
*ShedPredator* wrote:well ShedFreak your kinda stuck up when it comes to sheds then aren't ya,? I go out and look for sheds for fun i dont think it should be this big ordeal where you dont let people go with ya but alright. And also on that buck on page 3 about it getting shot at that sucks that someone is out there trying to poach things like him because of the fact of them helping out the gene pools in the area, that's the main reason i dont like poachers, i'm more leaniant on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks just because i've seen so many dang ugly ones i want them out of the way also.
Well shedpredator thats the difference between you and me, shed hunting is a big ordeal to me and thats why i pick up big $hiz!!! so if shed hunting isn't that big of ordeal to you then maybe you shouldn't be wearing that TU shirt son and leave the horn hunting to the big dawgs!!!!

(maybe you shouldn't be wearing that TU shirt son and leave the horn hunting to the big dawgs!!!!)
So let me get this right, Are you saying that, If we shed hunt for fun then we shouldn't wear, or have anything to do with TINES UP. Is that what you meant by that comment. If so then, Thats a real good way to market TINES UP. :>/
"northern" wrote:
Shedfreak88 wrote:
*ShedPredator* wrote:well ShedFreak your kinda stuck up when it comes to sheds then aren't ya,? I go out and look for sheds for fun i dont think it should be this big ordeal where you dont let people go with ya but alright. And also on that buck on page 3 about it getting shot at that sucks that someone is out there trying to poach things like him because of the fact of them helping out the gene pools in the area, that's the main reason i dont like poachers, i'm more leaniant on guys that go out and poach cactus bucks just because i've seen so many dang ugly ones i want them out of the way also.
Well shedpredator thats the difference between you and me, shed hunting is a big ordeal to me and thats why i pick up big $hiz!!! so if shed hunting isn't that big of ordeal to you then maybe you shouldn't be wearing that TU shirt son and leave the horn hunting to the big dawgs!!!!

(maybe you shouldn't be wearing that TU shirt son and leave the horn hunting to the big dawgs!!!!)
So let me get this right, Are you saying that, If we shed hunt for fun then we shouldn't wear, or have anything to do with TINES UP. Is that what you meant by that comment. If so then, Thats a real good way to market TINES UP. :>/

No man thats not what i ment! Shed hunting is about fun and to some of us its our life and thats all we think and care about and thats why its a big ordeal to some of us!! and im not here to market tines up. you can love em or hate em it makes no difference to me but to them shed huntin is a big ordeal and thats why they have the TU buiness!
ok now your just twisting my words up and no I'm actually a proud supporter of tad and reggie but I'm done arguing over something so stupid so this will be my last post on this thread.
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you guys need to calm down :))