What is your favorite piece of equipment that...

you wouldn't be without? Or what is the one piece of equipment that you think that everyone should have? Or what is the most unique piece of equipment that you have? Or what is a piece of equipment that you like, but can't get anymore? Or what is the best deal that you ever got on a piece of equipment?

A knife with a gut hook. Makes everything so much easier. Its way nice to have even if it is something simple :thumb
I won't go anywhere without my pocket knife and I think every man should always have one whether hunting or not.
My favorite piece of equipment, would definitly be lab, Coot's vest. Keeps him warm and happy, and a happy lab, takes alot of stress of me :thumb
My headlamp is probably my most used piece of equipment. fatrooster.
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Leatherman tool.
"sneekeepete" wrote:I won't go anywhere without my pocket knife and I think every man should always have one whether hunting or not.

I always have my Old Timer with me.
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Yeah, I am currently enthralled with my range finder and my Backtracker. So it is a toss up. My most unique piece of equipment is my British Chem suit (its charged with charcoal so that no chemical agents get in, but no scent gets out either). The thing you can't get anymore is the Cutt's Compensator. The best deal I ever got was a Browning Citory in perfect shape for $1000. The one thing that everyone should have is a way to positively absolutely know the way back to camp.

Just my current thoughts.

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Maybe my iphone? I use it for keeping field notes, gps with the accuterra maps and the Isnipe app. I also use it to take pictures from where I shot so I can better orient myself when I'm looking for game.

I just got a SOG seal pup knife that I'm looking forward to using. I used my buddies last year and I loved it.