What rifle
2/17/05 5:50pm
Hey what do you think would be the best rifle for coyote's. Because one of my dad's friend's likes the 22-250 and another likes the new .204. What do you think would be better of the two. The one who has the .204 said it was supposed to be one of the fastest rifles out there. So I would think if thats true the .204 would be better. What do you think.
Out to about 200 yards or so, either would do well and I seriously doubt any coyote or fox would be able to tell the difference between the two.
CF :thumb
22-250 is my vote
The bullet getting there faster is not worth a dang if it is off target.
I know they are only coyotes but they deserve the best bullet placement you can give them, same as deer.
I use a .243 wssm myself. Go figure.