what rifle do you hunt with?
12/12/06 4:14pm
i was just wondering what all of you guys hunt with and when did ya get and how do ya like it. i would also like to hear any storys about them if theyve been passed down in your family or what
I shoot a Ruger 270, got it when I was 16 I think?? My dad said when I earned my Eagle Scout award that I could get a rifle and the incentive was he would pay 1/2 of the price on whatever gun/setup I wanted.
Needless to say I'm an eagle scout now and shoot the same gun. Killed a bunch of mule deer with him...
Remington 700, bought a few years ago
.32 Winchester Special (brush/timber gun), passed to me from my mom on my 21st birthday. She bought it as a teenager in the '50's so she could hunt with her dad.
I've taken both deer and elk with both, well, only deer with the .32, and look forward to taking many more in the years to come with them until I pass them down to the younguns in the family.
However, four years ago my wife bought me a new Remington model 710 30.06. Although my heart still lies with my first "big game" rifle, the .06 has quickly won me over. Especially when I can say I've harvested two wild pigs, one Mulie, and three Whitetail during that period.
Here's are some pics of three mulies I harvest with what is still my "favorite" gun, the Gamemaster .270
This is what I use know!! Ruger MK77 mark II in .338 Win Mag!!
If any of you are wondering it is the precusor to the model 70.
It was made in 1936 and is stamped for the .270 WCF.
After I got I refinished the stock and put Leupold scope on it.
- 3 deer
- 2 elk
- many rabits
I also have a Remington 30.06 automatic that I just got that was my grandpa's. He killed several deer with it in California and bought it new, my Dad says it hasn't had two boxes of shells shot through it in almost 40 years. The last 15 years it just sat in a gunsafe. I will be using it this next year!
One gun that I would like to get from my father is a .22 caliber rifle that was used by children in Germany as a training rifle during World War I. It weighs about 8 pounds and is very accurate if you can hold it up. It is quite the colectors item.
As of now I'm thinking of a Kimber 8400, .300 Winchester Short Magnum and a nice scope, not sure which one yet. Oh, that 25-06 is now my wife's weapon. I shortened the stock, put a good recoil pad on it and added a Redfield Widefield Illuminator scope on it. So far she has killed a Bear, Muley buck, Bull Elk and 2 buck antelope with it. My daughter used it this fall to kill both of her antelope.
The Remington 30.06 that I mentioned in an earlier post is a model 740. I couldn't find a year model on it though.
The JC Higgins model 50 that I mentioned earlier is a 1952 year model.
That's is the way to break in that new rifle. :thumb
i tryed to makeit fit and a had to cut a lot of it so it became really long.
Then came the 284 win in a model 100. a good cartrige im my opinoun, but a poor gun. I then used a 300 win mag for a while it was a killing machine and very accurate. The gun was a overkill however and with a bad shoulder I don't use it anymore. I used a 270 in a model 70 lightweight for a while, I gave it to a friend and the gun is now a 280. He likes the gun and now uses it for all his big game. I now use a Model 70 270 and this I believe will be it for rifles.
I found a 30-06 yes found high on a mountain in MT the funny thing is I have found 2 rifles while hunting MT. The other is a 1860's henry rifle with a octogon barrel. Some stories behind these.
Anyone interested in my stories on these old guns? If so, some cold MN day I will tell the story, with pics.
Sure I'd like to hear them some day.
Hey you're a lefty. :)
If someone was dumping, he sure was having trouble. =D>
Remington 788 .243
Weatherby Fiberguard (vanguard) .270
Savage Model 110-G 7mm Rem Mag
Leupold varx 2 3x9x40
My granfathers gun then my fathers now mine
The gun won 2nd place at Camp Perry Nationals for 1000meter when it
had open sights
I once killed a Muley 2pt at 600yds with it...
Leupold varx 2 3x9x40
My granfathers gun then my fathers now mine
The gun won 2nd place at Camp Perry Nationals for 1000meter when it
had open sights
I once killed a Muley 2pt at 600yds with it...
I once shot a 4 point with my pants down around my ankles.
The 710 has gotten blasted by gun store commandos and arm chair hunters since they came out. I personally love my .270 and routinely shoot 1 in groups every time I take her to the range. I think once Remington fixed the internals this gun became a sneaky good model.
WELCOME to MuleyMadness! :thumb
That 300 ultra mag is a heck of a good round. :thumb
Best Rifle I have owned: Savage Model 110E 30-06, did a pillar bedding job, cleaned up the trigger, floated the barrel, rifle shot ½ groups off the bench, did all this in the early 80’s, hunted from New Mexico to Alaska with it, always go the job done. The Ex-XXXXX :>/ , sold it while I was deployed in 2000. I wish I had the rifle back.
Found new toys, for deer and antelope XP-100 center grip in 7mm-08 with Burris 4X scope practice on bowling ball pins @200 meters.
Elk: Revelations model 250M action, 26”Douglas Barrel in 308 Norma Mag. Found left handed stock with right handed action. Have taken 2 Elk and 1 mule deer, all dropped within 50 yards of being hit. ½ to ¾ groups of the bench shooting 180gr. bullets @3100fsp.
Muzzle Loader. T/C renegade .54cal, set triggers, miller sights, a real tack driver. 120gr ff black powder, 410gr buffalo bullets, only taken 2 cow elk with it, no trouble finding a blood trail, did not have to track very far.
Hopefully be home for hunting this year, had to turn my tags in for 07.
Best Wishes for the Holidays
M. Bird
I've got 3 30-06, a 270 WSM and a 300 WSM, I had a 25-06 for 30 years, I traded it off last year. I'll get another as I really like that caliber for deer and antelope. I may try it in the new Browning X-Bolt this spring when they come out.
Most of my hunting the last 5 years has been with the 270WSM in a Winchster Model 70 Classic. It's been a great caliber for Deer/elk.
I think the reason behind the massive kick is just the how light the rifle is. I have a friend that has a 270W Weatherby as well, he has the Mark V synthetic just like mine, and its super hard on the shoulder too. I have tried everything from Remmington 130 Accutip, to 150 CoreLokt, to 140 Supreme Accubond to 130 Supreme Ballistic Silvertips. I am having a friend reload some for me for when I get home next year for hunting season, hopefully that will help. Right now, its just hope that you dont have to spend more than a couple of shots sighting it in :) Man its a kicker. I have a 300WSM, and a 338M that dont kick as hard as my 270. But, I cant complain to much, cause once she is on, it is one super accurate weapon.
I upgraded first to a weatherby vangaurd in 7mm rem. from walmart. It is a good accurate gun, but heavey. I took some small mule deer with it.
Then I went a little and purchased a savage model 16 in Lazzeroni Patriot. Very accurate, but you must handload, unless your fond of spending multiple dollars per shot. Took a nice elk and a nice for the unit mule deer with it. I really like the Model 16 and 116 savage rifles, so I bought a 16 in 300 wsm and a 116 in 06 and rebarreled it to 280 rem. I like them all. Just shoot the two new ones now.
The 280 rem. has accutrigger. The 300 wsm, I put on an aftermarket trigger by timney.
Wish I lived closer to a range.
On your lazzeroni patriot how did the re-barrel and did you have a muzzle brake? If no brake how is the recoil?
I have toyed with the idea about this round in the past.
Lazz and savage and also Lazz and sako teamed up for a short while and produced some savage and sako rifles in various Lazzeroni rounds. I bought on. It is the short mag 30 cal. patriot round. I put a better recoil pad on it, but no muzzle break. It is not much different in recoil than a 300 wsm. It has less than 200 rounds (fired) that I did for load developement.
It was given to me as a bonus at work(best way to keep employees in my opinion).
I use it for all but eastern whitetails, a Browning A-bolt in 30-06 gets the nod there.
I shoot a Marlin 1895 (22" barrel) chambered for 45-70 Gov't. I shoot a 300 grain Nosler Partition that sits atop 55 grains of H4198 and travels around 2,250 fps.
She's SOOOOOO nice.
Was using a Rem. 700 in 30-06. Wanted a flatter shooting rifle. Thought .300 Win. Mag. but I have a separated shoulder. 7mm. seemed easier on the collarbone.
I hunt with a 300 ultra mag, it is a tack driver, shoots flat and when it gets there it takes care of business. Buff77