what rifle do you hunt with?

i was just wondering what all of you guys hunt with and when did ya get and how do ya like it. i would also like to hear any storys about them if theyve been passed down in your family or what
down in my family or passed. :)

I shoot a Ruger 270, got it when I was 16 I think?? My dad said when I earned my Eagle Scout award that I could get a rifle and the incentive was he would pay 1/2 of the price on whatever gun/setup I wanted.

Needless to say I'm an eagle scout now and shoot the same gun. Killed a bunch of mule deer with him...

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/files/ruger_leupold_183.jpg" alt="" />
hehe ya opps. i fixed it. i like hearing stories about peoples guns and the history of them
I actually have quite a few that have been passed down through the family but the ones I hunt with are:

Remington 700, bought a few years ago

.32 Winchester Special (brush/timber gun), passed to me from my mom on my 21st birthday. She bought it as a teenager in the '50's so she could hunt with her dad.

I've taken both deer and elk with both, well, only deer with the .32, and look forward to taking many more in the years to come with them until I pass them down to the younguns in the family.
great story. keep em coming
bigbuck92, I hunted for years with a Remington Gamemaster pump-action .270 that was passed down to me from my father and I knocked over more than my fair share of deer with it.

However, four years ago my wife bought me a new Remington model 710 30.06. Although my heart still lies with my first "big game" rifle, the .06 has quickly won me over. Especially when I can say I've harvested two wild pigs, one Mulie, and three Whitetail during that period.

Here's are some pics of three mulies I harvest with what is still my "favorite" gun, the Gamemaster .270
This is not the rifle that I hunt with but I will say that it is my favorate. It is a 300 savage lever action. If your anything like me the first thing you did was cringe when you herd savage but this gun was just recentely willed to me by a great hunting buddy of mine who had a battle with stomack cancer. His name was ray and he was one of the most humble honest guys around. So this gun will always be my favorite.
those are some great storys guys
does anybody else have any storys about there rifles
o and by the way great looking deer to Hawk
1st gun I hunted with was a Rmington Model 720 .257 Roberts. The gun was my dads and he killed his first elk with it a real nice 6x6 bull. 30 yeras later I killed my 1st elk with it.....real nice cow.....elk still the same. I am hoping here in the new future my son will kill his first elk with it.
This is what I use know!! Ruger MK77 mark II in .338 Win Mag!!

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a139/GHJ2/IM000245.jpg" alt="" />
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I shoot a Winchester Model 54 that was my Great Grandpa's my Grandpa's and now mine.

If any of you are wondering it is the precusor to the model 70.
It was made in 1936 and is stamped for the .270 WCF.
After I got I refinished the stock and put Leupold scope on it.
great storys. anybody got anymore storys
Mine is a Rem 7mm
- 3 deer
- 2 elk
- many rabits
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i saved up 10-20 dollars at a time, when we were first married in 1984 for a ruger .300 win mag. i shot about 24 deer 15 elk 2 bear with it. ill give it to my son to hunt with . he is 21 . i bought a h-s precision .300 win . this summer it shoots allot tighter groups. got a 6 point bull, 4 point mulie, 24 inch2x3 , and a 79 1/2 inch lope. good start for a new rifle.
"DeadI" wrote:Mine is a Rem 7mm
- 3 deer
- 2 elk
- many rabits
Rabbits?!? Either there's not a lot of meat left or you are one heck of a good shot to hit them in the head!
great storys all. does anybody have more. i need some readin material for the winter.lol
I have hunted for 15 years now with a JC Higgins model 50 in 30.06. This rifle belonged to my grandma and she killed blacktails with it back in the 70's in Oregon, she sent it to my mother when she stopped hunting in the early 80's, when it arrived the bolt was sticking out of the side of the box and it had a weaver break-over scope mount with a leupold 4 power scope on it. My dad took it out to the range to see how bad it was messed up after shipping, but it was dead on at a hundred yards. My mother hunted with it for about 10 years and killed some nice blacktails in California with it. It was handed down to me because it was a "safe" gun with a solid safety. I killed my first buck in 93' with it, a blacktail in California. I have since killed several mule deer with it. I recently found out some specifics about the rifle: it was made by FN (fabrique national) and imported and sold by Sears. It has a mauser action, chromed barrel (inside), and a sporterized barrel. The trigger pull is very stiff and I have thought about getting that changed but other than that I love the rifle. It is not unusual despite the stiff trigger, to group shots within an inch and a half at 100 yards.
I also have a Remington 30.06 automatic that I just got that was my grandpa's. He killed several deer with it in California and bought it new, my Dad says it hasn't had two boxes of shells shot through it in almost 40 years. The last 15 years it just sat in a gunsafe. I will be using it this next year!
that was a great story! sounds like those guns have alot of sentimental value
a3dhunter, :thumb Great Story!
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i used to hunt with two remington 700 adl 270 til my wife bought me a browning abolt 270 . now my brother and father-in-law have the remingtons and i am going to try to use my remington 721 270 this year . killed numorus deer and elk over the years with all the rifles .
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I shoot a Winchester model 70 lightweight chambered in 280, the one they put out for a few years with a laminated stock. So far I have taken 7 species of big game with it, and if I can ever draw a moose tag hopefully I'll make that 8 species. The rifle is pretty beat up and looks like it has been used for a walking stick (OK, I guess a few times when I've been out in some cliffs or some other terrain where I didn't belong, I actually DID use it as a walking stick). A couple years ago I had a new model 70 chambered in 300WSM I was just about ready to buy, but I just couldn't do it...I felt it would be like hunting birds and leaving your favorite old dog at home, and that just ain't right!
Touch 'em all
My dad purchased a Remmington 7600 30.06 for me on my 13th Birthday. It is a pump and has killed 4 elk and 3 deer. The first was with open sights. He bought the Remmington 760 pump back in the 60's or 70's and still uses it today. Maybe one day I will inherit it as well. Since then I received a Ruger MKII 25.06 for my wedding and has become my new 'deer' rifle. It is very quick! I like the Ruger so much that I bought another 30.06 in the all weather version for tough hunting situations. I can't get away from the .06. It is a great caliber for most hunting conditions.

One gun that I would like to get from my father is a .22 caliber rifle that was used by children in Germany as a training rifle during World War I. It weighs about 8 pounds and is very accurate if you can hold it up. It is quite the colectors item.
My first big game rifle was a 25-06 Remington 700 ADL, with a 3x9 Bushnell on it. I put it on layaway at Dave Cooks Sporting Goods and paid $25 dollars per paycheck on it. After many weeks I finally paid it off. I was one happy young man when I brought it home. That fall I shot my first muley buck with it and Wow did it do the job. I hunted with it for 5 seasons and killed more big game with it but I thought it was a little under powered for Elk, so I saved up my money and purchased my dream rifle. .300 Winchester Magnum in a Weatherby Vanguard, brand new in the box. It had a beautiful blond wooden stock and the wood grain on the stock was terrific. I took it to a gunsmith and had him add a KDF on the muzzle to save my shoulder and to keep me from flinching. I put a Redfield Widefield Illuminator scope on it, took it thr range and I was in love. I have hunted with this gun since then and have killed over 50 big game animals with it. It still shoots "right on the money". Last year my boys and I were cleaning our weapons and the youngest, Levi age 3 said, "Dad I want that gun when I get old enough to hunt" and his older brother Luke age 7 said, No! I want it! So it looks like Ole' AT&T needs to be put in the gun case and I need to purchase another rifle to start building another legacy with, so I can pass down one rifle to each son.
As of now I'm thinking of a Kimber 8400, .300 Winchester Short Magnum and a nice scope, not sure which one yet. Oh, that 25-06 is now my wife's weapon. I shortened the stock, put a good recoil pad on it and added a Redfield Widefield Illuminator scope on it. So far she has killed a Bear, Muley buck, Bull Elk and 2 buck antelope with it. My daughter used it this fall to kill both of her antelope.
great storys all. Touch 'em all that 22. sounds like a very interesting gun and the rest of you ill say again great storys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought I would add some info. on some other guns that have been passed down to me. I have a 22 that my grandpa took off a sniper in WWII and sent home, it is a single shot bolt action rifle that we have shot and hit a five gallon bucket at 1/4 mile. I also have two 03 springfield 30.06 rifles from my grandpa, they weigh a ton with the stock all the way to the end of the barrel!

The Remington 30.06 that I mentioned in an earlier post is a model 740. I couldn't find a year model on it though.

The JC Higgins model 50 that I mentioned earlier is a 1952 year model.
mdbrown, Welcome to Muley Madness. :)

That's is the way to break in that new rifle. :thumb
wow did your grandpa ever tell you the story about the gun he took off the sniper?
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i shot a .308 winchester coyote moldel70 .
Holy smokes that is one wide picture. :)
i dont think so it's just a really long gun :)
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its a very very long Gun!!!!!!
i tryed to makeit fit and a had to cut a lot of it so it became really long.
The Gun i want is a 300 Ultra Mag. but cant aford it yet so i use a 25-06 for now its a great all around gun. ive killed 4 elk and 2 deer and a coyote with it
ive heard some good stuff bout the 25-06
i dont even own one and i'll say it's a killer gun and a have quit a few guns it's on the list!!
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How is the 25-06's performance on elk? I always though it was a bit light for those tough buggers.
My first deer Rifle was a 250-3000 model 99 Savage. I killed about a dozen Whitetails and my first couple Muley bucks. My little brother used it some and killed his first whitails amd muleys with it. The gun has been retired for a while but will always be my favorite.

Then came the 284 win in a model 100. a good cartrige im my opinoun, but a poor gun. I then used a 300 win mag for a while it was a killing machine and very accurate. The gun was a overkill however and with a bad shoulder I don't use it anymore. I used a 270 in a model 70 lightweight for a while, I gave it to a friend and the gun is now a 280. He likes the gun and now uses it for all his big game. I now use a Model 70 270 and this I believe will be it for rifles.

I found a 30-06 yes found high on a mountain in MT the funny thing is I have found 2 rifles while hunting MT. The other is a 1860's henry rifle with a octogon barrel. Some stories behind these.

Anyone interested in my stories on these old guns? If so, some cold MN day I will tell the story, with pics.
Here are my two big game rifles. No need to explain which is my old 30-06 savage, with all its memories and which is my new 7mm mag.

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h71/ackc10/guns.jpg" alt="" />

Sure I'd like to hear them some day.


Hey you're a lefty. :)
ya i would love to hear the storys.
MM, yes I do about everything lefty but taught myself to shoot a bow right because I had an old hand me down to shoot.
ah yes i would like to here the stories on you finding those guns poor hunter who lost them. i heard a story of a guy finding a rifle, spotting scope and a set of binoculars left on a look out last year! i couldn't help but ask the guy who found them if he bothered checking to see if the guy was behind a rock doing the sitting with mother nature do or hollering for anyone! he didn't someone probaly came back a couple minuts later to find all there stuff gone. that would blow wouldn't it?
oh and as for the gun i shoot, i have 15 - 20 guns of different clibers but my main baby is a 300 weatherby mark5 with a 4-12x50 leapold all synthetic matte finish i just had a muzzle break put on it last year before i went to alaska its awsome. But i still mainly hunt with my bow
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i killed my 04 buck with my grandpaps old 25-06
These guns are very old and very very very old :-k

If someone was dumping, he sure was having trouble. =D>
does anybody else got storys bout there rifles
The north slope
I have my Grandfathers 30-06 akley improved. It is a winchester 1917 WW-1 gun. He built a custom stock on it. I used it for a few hunts took some deer, antelope, and elk with it, but now I bow hunt, so it has been put away. I think it's a cool gun and I guess of all the guns he had this was the one he used the most. I got a Winchester 300 ultra mag now, I use it for late cow elk hunts and I love it. It loves me too, I guess they says love hurts....
i hunt with a .223 and i have been told a lot of times that is to small but i havent had a season that i havent got a deer yet
I use a savage .270 and it works perfect just right for a deer.
wow a 223. that is pretty small caliber for deer
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Savage Model 10-FP .223
Remington 788 .243
Weatherby Fiberguard (vanguard) .270
Savage Model 110-G 7mm Rem Mag
Dont own one, I guess this is the closest thing I have to a Rifle
Holy Smokes, scary looking. That'll do some damage. :)
wow i wouldnt want to be on the recieving end of that.lol
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1917 Enfield 30-06 Ackley Improved Sporterized
Leupold varx 2 3x9x40
My granfathers gun then my fathers now mine
The gun won 2nd place at Camp Perry Nationals for 1000meter when it
had open sights

I once killed a Muley 2pt at 600yds with it...
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1917 Enfield 30-06 Ackley Improved Sporterized
Leupold varx 2 3x9x40
My granfathers gun then my fathers now mine
The gun won 2nd place at Camp Perry Nationals for 1000meter when it
had open sights

I once killed a Muley 2pt at 600yds with it...
Smith & Wesson 7MM

I once shot a 4 point with my pants down around my ankles.
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300 WSM[/b]
browning bar 7mm shot every big game animal i have killed with it and i love it.
i shoot a remington model 700 stainless with composite stock. chambered in the 300 win mag. that is one awsome gun.
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HAWK, I have a Rem 710 in .270.

The 710 has gotten blasted by gun store commandos and arm chair hunters since they came out. I personally love my .270 and routinely shoot 1 in groups every time I take her to the range. I think once Remington fixed the internals this gun became a sneaky good model.
Hey folk's this is my first post here so hello to everyone.I shoot a rem 700 in 300 ultra mag stainless comp stock have used it for about 5 season's now and love it use a 150 gr accu bond bullet have used a 243 270 3006 like then all.

Buck Fever
I shoot the winchester model 70 classic in the .270wsm and the .300 win mag. Love them both. The .270 a little lighter and they have real comparable ballistics. Shooting with a 3 1/2 pound trigger sure makes a difference. I shot my first deer at 15 with a 25-06 in the rem model 700. Dads gun, maybe one of these days it will be mine. Then hunted for years with my first centerfire in the ruger M77 .300 win mag. Killed lots of elk and deer with this rifle. Also have hunted with ruger M77 .243 for deer. I'm thinking about maybe turning the ruger .300 into a light weight mountain gun, just depends on the cost. Or maybe giving it to my son when he gets old enough.

WELCOME to MuleyMadness! :thumb
Welcome skinner :)
"MuleyMadness" wrote:skinner

WELCOME to MuleyMadness! :thumb
THANK YOU MuleyMadness it is a privlige to get to talk with folks around the country that i can listen to and maby learen from.

Skinner, [Mike] Welcome again to MuleyMadness, lots of good people here and Your gonna fit right in.

That 300 ultra mag is a heck of a good round. :thumb
Welcome skinner. :thumb
SKINNER ::wel to the Maddness your going to love it here. :thumb :)
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I’ll add my first 2 cents
Best Rifle I have owned: Savage Model 110E 30-06, did a pillar bedding job, cleaned up the trigger, floated the barrel, rifle shot ½ groups off the bench, did all this in the early 80’s, hunted from New Mexico to Alaska with it, always go the job done. The Ex-XXXXX :>/ , sold it while I was deployed in 2000. I wish I had the rifle back.
Found new toys, for deer and antelope XP-100 center grip in 7mm-08 with Burris 4X scope practice on bowling ball pins @200 meters.
Elk: Revelations model 250M action, 26”Douglas Barrel in 308 Norma Mag. Found left handed stock with right handed action. Have taken 2 Elk and 1 mule deer, all dropped within 50 yards of being hit. ½ to ¾ groups of the bench shooting 180gr. bullets @3100fsp.
Muzzle Loader. T/C renegade .54cal, set triggers, miller sights, a real tack driver. 120gr ff black powder, 410gr buffalo bullets, only taken 2 cow elk with it, no trouble finding a blood trail, did not have to track very far.

Hopefully be home for hunting this year, had to turn my tags in for 07.

Best Wishes for the Holidays

M. Bird
Thank all of you folk's for the welcome and hello M. Bird

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I killed my first elk with an open site German 8mm that my Grandfather sent back from WWII, five point bull. I used that rifle until I left home, and killed all together six Mulies, and six Elk. It shot perfect groups, and dropped anything that it touched instantly. Since I have gone through Sniper/Countersniper school and learned the value of a scope :) I now shoot a Weatherby 270, which will almost dislocate your shoulder as pennance for pulling the trigger, and a Browning ABolt 300WSM. I I also shoot the funnest rifle in the world for White Tail, a Henry 44Mag. I leave it open site to remind myself how to shoot that way :)
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MontanaMonkey, I'm curious what kind of load do you use in the 270 Weatherby? One of my rifles is a 270WSM and comparing the 270Weatherby's ballistics in the manuals to what I actually get, doesn't show much of a difference.

I've got 3 30-06, a 270 WSM and a 300 WSM, I had a 25-06 for 30 years, I traded it off last year. I'll get another as I really like that caliber for deer and antelope. I may try it in the new Browning X-Bolt this spring when they come out.
Most of my hunting the last 5 years has been with the 270WSM in a Winchster Model 70 Classic. It's been a great caliber for Deer/elk.
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[quote="Painted Horse"]MontanaMonkey, I'm curious what kind of load do you use in the 270 Weatherby? One of my rifles is a 270WSM and comparing the 270Weatherby's ballistics in the manuals to what I actually get, doesn't show much of a difference.

I think the reason behind the massive kick is just the how light the rifle is. I have a friend that has a 270W Weatherby as well, he has the Mark V synthetic just like mine, and its super hard on the shoulder too. I have tried everything from Remmington 130 Accutip, to 150 CoreLokt, to 140 Supreme Accubond to 130 Supreme Ballistic Silvertips. I am having a friend reload some for me for when I get home next year for hunting season, hopefully that will help. Right now, its just hope that you dont have to spend more than a couple of shots sighting it in :) Man its a kicker. I have a 300WSM, and a 338M that dont kick as hard as my 270. But, I cant complain to much, cause once she is on, it is one super accurate weapon.
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I love to use my Ruger 264 Winchester magnum loaded with 140 grain XLC ahead of 65 grains of IMR 7828. Shot Elk and Mule Deer and Antelope, never had a problem. I would like to use 130 grain triple shock
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Just thought I would tell all about my deer rifles. I purchased a used rifle while still in college. It is a ted williams (sears brand) and it looks like a model 70. It is a model 53. First time a research it, I thought I narrowed the manufacturer to Marlin, but did a recent search and several folks said winchester. Don't know for sure. It is very accurate. I had it glass bedded and it is in 30:06. My best deer were taken with the rifle.

I upgraded first to a weatherby vangaurd in 7mm rem. from walmart. It is a good accurate gun, but heavey. I took some small mule deer with it.

Then I went a little and purchased a savage model 16 in Lazzeroni Patriot. Very accurate, but you must handload, unless your fond of spending multiple dollars per shot. Took a nice elk and a nice for the unit mule deer with it. I really like the Model 16 and 116 savage rifles, so I bought a 16 in 300 wsm and a 116 in 06 and rebarreled it to 280 rem. I like them all. Just shoot the two new ones now.

The 280 rem. has accutrigger. The 300 wsm, I put on an aftermarket trigger by timney.

Wish I lived closer to a range.
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These must be older savages, if you changed to the timney triggers, I don’t think you would change the new savage trigger for a timney.
On your lazzeroni patriot how did the re-barrel and did you have a muzzle brake? If no brake how is the recoil?
I have toyed with the idea about this round in the past.
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Only my 280 has accutrigger. The others were non-accutrigger.

Lazz and savage and also Lazz and sako teamed up for a short while and produced some savage and sako rifles in various Lazzeroni rounds. I bought on. It is the short mag 30 cal. patriot round. I put a better recoil pad on it, but no muzzle break. It is not much different in recoil than a 300 wsm. It has less than 200 rounds (fired) that I did for load developement.
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I hunt everything with a 270 winchester now. It doesn't kick much. My all time favorite rifle was an ultralight Weatherby mark 5 in 338-06. With the 185 grain Barnes triple shocks it shot as flat as my 270 but kicked pretty badly. I've still got the scar on my right index finger from the bolt handle. It just plain flattened critters though and was nice to carry.
223 243 270 30-06 7mmRemMag.
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My forum name is a giveaway, I too shoot a Lazzeroni, the 30 cal. Warbird.
It was given to me as a bonus at work(best way to keep employees in my opinion).
I use it for all but eastern whitetails, a Browning A-bolt in 30-06 gets the nod there.
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I use a lever action 257 roberts
A lever 257 bob? That's cool ,is it a browning or what?
"southwind" wrote:A lever 257 bob? That's cool ,is it a browning or what?
i was thinking the same thing. i've never seen one. my dad used to have a mauser 98 257 roberts, sold it :>/ they really are a great gun
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I though I had replied to this thread....guess not.

I shoot a Marlin 1895 (22" barrel) chambered for 45-70 Gov't. I shoot a 300 grain Nosler Partition that sits atop 55 grains of H4198 and travels around 2,250 fps.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v516/lpear00/Rifles/IM000849.jpg" alt="" />

She's SOOOOOO nice.
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I shoot a Winchester Model 70 stainless sinthetic with the BOSS chambered in 270. What a shooter she is. She is heavy but I will never get rid or her. You dont get rid of guns that where gifts or family hand downs.
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I shoot a Model 70 .270, stock is a dark walnut with a boss system. My mom worked for browning so I got a killer deal on it. I have taken 6 muleys with it, would be more if I could draw out on the Southern region every year :>/
Mack Daddy Muley
Remington 300 win mag Sendero. Stainless steel fluted barrel 26" long. CANT BE BEAT OUT OF BOX!!! 10sign:
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I use an old Ruger M77 (30.06) that used to be my dad's over 20 years ago. Its got a old redfield scope, that is due for a change. Gonna go to Cabela's in Reno, NV next week and getting a Leupold scope with the bullet drop compensation ($239.00). 22 inch barrel, custom stock. Unfortunetly its not a tack driver, gets 3.5 inch groups at 200 yards, with cheap 150 grain bullets #-o .
"Rodzilla_v" wrote:I use an old Ruger M77 (30.06) that used to be my dad's over 20 years ago. Its got a old redfield scope, that is due for a change. Gonna go to Cabela's in Reno, NV next week and getting a Leupold scope with the bullet drop compensation ($239.00). 22 inch barrel, custom stock. Unfortunetly its not a tack driver, gets 3.5 inch groups at 200 yards, with cheap 150 grain bullets #-o .
you should be able to get a lot better groups outta that gun. i have 2-m77's that are around the same age. and both of them are at 3/4 inch groups at 100 and 1 1/2 at 200. i have 1 in a 6mm and that sucker is a shooter!. 100yrds 3 shot groups and they are usually 1 jagged whole. i'd say shoot some better ammo, and get a sight vise or sand bags and spend some time with it. it should shoot good in my experiance with those guns
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Killerbee - I agree with you - I also think I should be able to get better groups out of that gun. I am getting a new scope on it next week, but i will also invest on a good shooting rest and sand bags. What kind of factory ammo do you use? Have you modified the triggers on yours? Here is a group form a couple of weeks ago; @ 200 yards shooting 150 grain Remington corelocks. Hopefully I can improve upon it in the next couple of months before hunting season. Not tags yet, but plenty of Coyotes to go after.

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b398/Rodzilla_v/Picture012.jpg" alt="" />
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What old Redfield do you have. I have two from the early 70's that I still use. They were a great scope. If it's a 2-7 widefield with a 4 plex reticule, do you want to sell it?
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Sorry... brother got dibs on the scope- its a 3X-9, still havent made it out to the range, hopefully next weekend I get to see if my shooting improves.
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Out west I use a Ruger 7mm Remington magnum with a Leupold VXIII 3.5x10 scope. In Arkansas timber I use a Winchester 94 in 7x30 Waters with a Lyman receiver sight. The 94 was my dad's and between us we have killed 28 deer with it since 1985. He now use a Savage 99 in .308 when he hunts. Dad is 71 and killed his biggest deer last year with the 99.
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I use a remington 30-06. sometimes in thick brush i use my great grandpas 30-30. i love that gun
Well, I will try not to get too windy here. My gun started out as a Winchester Model 70 7mm magnum sporter LT classic. I felt that the gun would better suit me as a .300 Win Mag. I got it rebarreled with a "Shilling" May have spelled that wrong, mountain rifle barrell. I also installed a muzzle brake and put an aluminum bedded H.S. Precision Stock on there. I topped it off with leupold rings and a Kahles ZF-95 sniper scope and it is all I should ever need now. I shoot Barnes TSX 180 grain bullets with 70 grains of IMR 4350 powder and it shoots 3100 fps and groups 1/2" groups with very minimal recoil. I usually use a crutch of some kind, a harris bipod or stoney point tripod. I also have a snipe pod. I also got it powder coated to prevent it from rusting as I hunt Black Bears in South East Alaska. The salt water is not too good for your blueing. The gun shoots well just by dialing in the scope to the yardage from your range finder. Last year I shot a white tail at 588 yards. The longest shot I have ever taken at a game animal.
The mule deer is from Unit 55 Colorado last fall
The mule deer is from Unit 55 Colorado last fall
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"southwind" wrote:A lever 257 bob? That's cool ,is it a browning or what?
Yes it is a browning
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Just picked up a Vanguard in 7mm. Rem. Mag. Can't get over how accurate it is out of the box :thumb . Plan on using her for elk and deer. So far she favors Win. 150gr. Silvertips. 10sign:

Was using a Rem. 700 in 30-06. Wanted a flatter shooting rifle. Thought .300 Win. Mag. but I have a separated shoulder. 7mm. seemed easier on the collarbone.

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I use a CVA Wolf .50 cal 209 primer in-line muzzleloader (bought new from Cabelas)and a Remington 710 in 30-06 (bought used on gunbroker.com).
i deer hunt with a 30.06 i bought a few years ago and a marlin 30.30 that i got when i was 12, depending on the terain. i elk hunt with a remington model 700 classic in 300. weatherby mag that i bought from my favorite uncle before he passed away, he won it at a elk foundation dinner many moons ago and had never been taken out of the box... my 300. is by far my favorate gun.
I just got a Rem 700 ADL in 30-06 and have a 7mm Rem Mag; I think I will use the 30-06 as it is much lighter and has the 3-12x scope vs the 3x9.
T/C Omega .50 cal for muzzle loader and Ruger M77 30.06 with leupold 3x9 scope for the rifle hunt. Very satisfied with both of them.
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I hunt with a 300 ultra mag, it is a tack driver, shoots flat and when it gets there it takes care of business. Buff77
browning stainless stlker 7mm and a christensen arms 7mm
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I hunt with a 257 roberts handed down from my dad. Absolute tack driver at 200 yards. Shoot only the +Ps. Remington Model 72 if I recall correctly. He actually made the stock out of a root!! Finished off the checkering with a pocket knife.
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I hunt with a TC Encore in 300 Win Mag with a Burris scope, i also have one of my favorite guns a Rugerr M77 in 7x57 passed down from my dad.
I hunt with a Browning BAR Mark I .30-06 semi auto had it since I was 16 was my grandpas gun love it to death. and it hits right on the money every time I shoot it.
Springville Shooter
I have hunted with many rifles but my old standby is a Ruger M77mkII that I bought myself when I was 17. It was originally in 7mm rem mag and I shot it until it would not shoot anymore. The barrell was replaced with a douglas also in 7mm rem mag and it too was shot until the hawkeye showed smooth bore for the first 3 inches of the barrell. Now it has a new Pac Nor barrell chambered in 7mm Dakota. It has a JRS precision stock floated and bedded, a 3lb rifle basics trigger and a Leupold VXIII 2.5-7 scope. My favorite load is 160gr Nosler ABs on top of 72grs of IMR7828. The load shoots 1/2in-3/4 depending on the day and the operator. At 3100fps the accubond has killed everything its ever hit. -Shooter
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Iv'e got a few but my go-to is my win model 70 xtr featherweight in 30-06 given to me by my grandfather. I just love this gun.