What rifle will you be hunting with this year?

I will be hunting with a plain jane winchester black shadow in .270 with a sightron 3x9 scope. She looks plain but puts the biscuit in the basket! What are you fellas going to be using?

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I've got a new Springfield '03 in .338 I'll be using for deer. It's a little over-gunned, but I didn't get drawn for elk and I need to break it in :)
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I will be using my 3006 -using 180 gr soft points[the only load in my book]
be it standing in front of me or my best shot was 542 paces thru chest wall got [134 grs back]-

good luck- no matter what you use gun or ammo
My Ruger .270 3x12 scope does it for me. Even for Elk, just a lot heavier grain.
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Marlin 1895GS 45-70. My all-'rounder
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I just got a lss bdl 700 in 300 ultra. I have already finished my hunt this year and would like to upload a pic here. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction. I found that for the way I hunt the laminated wood stock just won`t cut. I am selling it rather than ding up a beautiful piece of wood. I would like to buy a 700 synthtic stock if anyone has one hanging around. r/h l/a. The 300 ultra is great, extremly flat and a very heavy hitter, it took my buck at 260 yards with no issue. The 180 nosler partition worked fine, although next year I may go back to core-lokt as they are perfect for deer sized game.
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Remington Model 7 .308
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Remington Model 700 Sendero SF in 300 Ultra Mag. Topped with a 6.5 x 20 power leupold vari x IIII. With harris biopods up under for a steady shot anywhere.

later, MM
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7mm Remington Magnum toped with a springfield armory 4-14 power scope
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savage 110 L .264 winchester mag. Carpenters dream, flat as a board
and easy to nail (game)
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2004 a 300 SAUM model 7
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I usually use a 270 me grandpa got me the week before my first year of hunting but next year i am going to use a 300 weatherby.
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im huntin with my winchester 32 special lever action
i also have a savage 30-06 that i use often
i love huntin in utah excpept for the rip off prices of a tag now and that the fact i only saw a spike this yr
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:lol: I will be using winchester model 70 super grade in the 264 Winchester magnum. I really love this caliber this year I shot a nice buck antelope, a nice 5x5 bull elk and one nice fat cow
I will be using a winchester model 70 in .30-06 :roll:
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Winchester pre-64 action model 70 .270 Winchester, Leupold 3-9-40
vari-x2 from javelina to elk in Arizona. :lol:
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Howa .300 WSM with a Browning A-bolt 30-06 on stand-by mode. So far, I have a Oryx hunt in NM planned in Dec. Waiting on UT and WY.
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:lol: inthe past i always hunted with a 270. wanded to shoot longer distance so ive steped up to a 300 win mag. 165 gr.sst for deer&180sst for elk. rem 700lss is a great gun.
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Remington 700 BDL SS - 7mm SAUM - Leupold 3.5x10 Var-X III w/Harris

Did a nice job on Elk in 2003 Season. Looked at a few smaller Muleys in the scope but didn't get anything large enough to make my figure move.
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Ill be using my new model 70 super shadow in 300 Short Mag but I do believe an alround gun from whitetail to elk is a 270 0r the 270 Short Mag
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.300 Win Mag out of my new Browning A-bolt Medallion with a Leupy Vari-X III 3.5-10x40mm.
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Depending on the game (muley, speed goat, or whitetail), terrain and anticipated ranges, either:

(A) Remington 700 Sendero 7mmSTW with a Leupold VX-III 6.5 x 20 x 40


(B) Remington 700 Sendero 7mm Mag with a Leupold LPS 3.5 x 14 x 56

Those heavy barrels are heavy hitters.................. ](*,)
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I will be using my Model 700 Classic in .280 Remington, which I just put on a McMillan desert camo stock. I've shot just about all sizes of bullets out of her, but like the new 140 grain Winchester balistic slivertips. Getting excited about the first day of buck season which is about a month away here in Oregon. \:D/
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well i have always hunted with a lever gun from winchester or marlin, but this year i was drawn with my pals for a limited tag hunt in north eastern california X3B zone. i was told many shots in that area would be over 100 yards as its somewhat high desert so i felt it was time to buy a bolt action scoped rifle. I picked up a Remington 710 in .270 as money was very tight this year. I've never owned a .270 and my question to you guys is which bullet weight do you guys with .270's normally use. I bought a few boxes of different styles and weights to see which will shoot the best in the rifle. I'm leaning to the Winchester 130 grain Ballistic Silvertips or the Federal Vital-Shok 150 grain out of the brands i picked up -i guess the trip to the range will really tell me what i need to be using-but i figured you folks with more experience than i would also be a big help--thanks a bunch!
Welcome aboard, always good to have new life in the forum.

I shoot a Ruger 270 and always use 130 gr. for Mulies. So I would go with that choice if it was me. You'll get a little better velocity and 130 gr. packs plenty of punch. Good luck, keep us posted. :)
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I got handed down a springfield 30-06 that belonged to my great grandfather.. That is what I'll be using. One Shot one kill
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My hunting is over for the year but I used a Remington 700 in .270, Simmons .44 Magnum scope and Winchester Fail Safes at 140 grains. My back up was a .32 Winchester Special, open sights. Shot a buck of a lifetime, 5X5 bull and a nice cow. I've been told numerous times by numerous folks that a .270 is too small for elk. The only thing that matters is bullet placement.
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I will be using my 338 win mag this weekend for my once in a life time hunt for oryx hunt in NEW Mexico. Bullet placement is important of course but it takes a hard hiting bullet to knock one of those down humanily.
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My ol' faithfull. My prized Ruger #1-338 caliber, Harris Bipod and topped with a leupold 3x9x50. Best rifle I ever shot. Well, except for my M4, but can't hunt animals with that! LOL
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Well, I never said I was smart! The post Dated WED Dec 15, 04 at 10:57 was mine. :-k
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Remington 700 BDL in 6.5x06 using a Hornady 140 gr Spire Point. Just over 2900 fps over my cronograph, point blank to 300 yds'; farther than I've ever shot at a deer.

To the guy with the 6.5x55. I had a Parker Hale 1200 Super re-barreled to 6.5x55 for my ex-wife. With good handloads it's just under 2850 fps with the 140 gr Hornady,,,,darn I miss that rifle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What rifle or cartridge you use is not near as important as how you use what you got!
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You need to use a different bullet. A 180gr bullet from a 30-06 with a muzzle velocity of 2700fps arrives at 500yds at 1351fps (nosler data). It has 729 remaining ft lbs energy and your bullet only retained 74% of it's weight. At something in the neighborhood of 200 yds, the bullet, at 2085fps (also nosler) and 1738 lbs remaining energy would likely blow up on contact.

To figure energy: velocity X velocity, devided by 7000 (# grains in a pound), devided by 64.32 (the specific weight if gravity), X the weight of the bullet in grain's. For a game bullet, 74% weight retention just isn't all that great.

Don [/quote]
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300 win short mag swear it will punch his heart clear out the other side.
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I used to use the trusty 30-30 lever action winchester model 94 but i bought a new 270 and shes all ready to go oh and i plan on breaking her virginity hahhaha
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savage 30.06 for me although i just got (inherited) a savage model 99 lever gun in 303 is a way kewl looking old gun might give it a try this year ,,, think it would be neat to get a crack at a critter with it , i bet it hasnt been hunted with in 40 or more years :thumb
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Brand new Weatherby Super Big Game Master in .300 weatherby mag with a Burris Black Diamond 4-16 X 50 ballistic plex on it. Also bought a new Leica 1200 range finder. Can't wait to go play!
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i will be using a 30-06 this year. why do you need these big ol guns to hunt with. a .270, 30-06, 25-06 would do just fine for both deer and elk.
I'll be using a Rem Mod 700 in .270 Win. My backup will be an old Win Mod 70 also in .270 Win. My timber gun will be an even older Win Mod 94 in .32 Win Special.
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I think I'm going to give it a go with an old Savage 99 lever gun in .300 Savage with a compact 2X-7X scope.
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Savage 110, 30-06, Winchester 165 grain soft points. A combo that has never failed me on several antelope, mulies, or elk.
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Just Bought one of those new Steven model 200s in 30-06 and so far its proven to be a great gun so ill be usin that this year.
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I will be throwing lead from my Rem 7MM in unit 40(Idaho) this Nov and my son and girlfriend shot the lighting fast 22-250 knocks them down just fine
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I will be hunting with a Savage 111 30-06 with a 3-9 simmns scope.
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7mm Ruger MkII or 7mm Rem XCR if I decide to go to Canada for Carabou this year.
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Well I got a new rifle for this year. Winchester Mod 70 Featherweight in 6.5x55. Had a very old 1x4 Redfield at home I put on it. Bought the scope new in about 1071,,,oop's! make that 1971.
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Model 700 SPS in 7mm Rem Mag topped with a 3x9 Luepold VX-III
Ruger MK77MarkII All weather in .338WM!!!
Gotta stick with my trusty 30-06. I used a .270 for years before my wife bought me the -06 three years ago for Christmas. Hasn't let me down since so that's what I'll stick with.
This will be my son's first year in the field with me. He'll be carryin' my .270 for our Mule deer hunt and his .243 for our White-tail hunt.
When I was 13 my dad bought me a Remington 7mm for my b-day! I enlisted myself in the half moons club the next day :) . That thing kicks a lot more than the .243 I was used to. I always thought all guns were the same for some reason and wasn't holdin on too tigh! Whoops. I guess thats what I did for bein 13, heck it probably just knocked some sense INTO me.

Anyways, That guns been with me on every hunt since then and I'm keepin with it (Figure after as long as i've had it, I'm bound to get lucky and hit somethin with it sometime soon 4c )
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I will be out with my old interarms mark X .30-06 for deer and elk sporterized .6mm for antilope and got me a new savage mod.12fv .223 for varmints.
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My wife will be using her Remington 788 in .243. I will use a savage 110 in .223 for varmints.
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I'll be hauling my trust old Browning A bolt n.308 win this fall for deer and elk. I have usd it on stinkey speed goats before but will likely carry my trusty old 25-06 out onto the prairie.
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Ruger M77 MKII in .270. Barnes 130 grn. TSX bullet. First rifle I bought on my own and has been pretty good to me. :thumb
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my 270 win for shure my son his 243 and my other boy my 6.5x55 sweedish, Elk Im using my 7mm mag and for bear as well Jim w
Hopefully I'll be hunting mulies in Oregon this fall. If I draw a tag I will be using a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight 30-06. For my elk hunt I will be using a Marlin Model 1895 Guide Gun in 45-70.
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Savage 110 in .30-06 on a Ram-Line synthetic stock topped off with a VX-III 3.5 X 14.
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I like my Remington model 700 mountain rifle in .30-06
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Usually it's a ruger 7mag with a Leupold 3-9x40 scope and160 gr nosler partitions. However since I didn't get drawn for anything again. I might try my winchester model 94 30-30.
For many years I shot a Savage 110 30-06 and killed alot of things with it but the gun never has fit me very well and I don't enjoy shooting it at all. So I bought a Weatherby Mark V Accumark chambered in a 7mm rem. mag and I love it. Its recoil is so much better than my savage 30-06. The only downfall is, it is a heavy rifle to pack around all day up steep ridges. The heavyness probably helps reduce the recoil though.
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MKV Weatherby 7 mag. loaded with 160gr Acubonds.