What's everyone's favority hunting country like?

I'm not much on cold weather so I try to be done by the end of september. Timberline country is my favorite.
What sort of country do the rest of you hunt? Include pics if you have em.
Here's a few pics of one of my favorite places on earth...

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d44/djslaugh/hikein-rear.jpg" alt="" />

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d44/djslaugh/hikers-far.jpg" alt="" />

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d44/djslaugh/IMG_0343.jpg" alt="" />

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d44/djslaugh/thehillsarealive.jpg" alt="" />
mine is very similar, i love it in ely nevada. but..i like the mou ntains that are coverd by cedars! o man i love em i'll give usome pics soon!
great pics screesurf. that is great looking country!
Great topic screesufer, and great pics :thumb

I'm uploading =D> and will post a few photos. :good post
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thanks, fellas. I can't wait to see the kind of country you guys hunt.
love the pic
OK, for Muley hunting, I love the badlands :thumb

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/p10101122.jpg" alt="" />

But, I can't stay away from country like this.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/p10100882.jpg" alt="" />

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/p10100872.jpg" alt="" />
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man, that first pic has big county and those next two are breath taking. Gets my blood pumping just thinking about getting back up...
Nice pics Wayne,

Here is one of mine...
Oh Yeah MM, Put on a overnight pack and take off. :thumb
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open timber bordering a clear cut
I love scouting and hunting the high country but most of the biggest bucks I see are under 7000'. Here are some pics. of some high country places I've scouted.

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h71/ackc10/honeyholesettlement.jpg" alt="" />
http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h71/ackc10/drycreek1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h71/ackc10/drycreek2.jpg" alt="" />
http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h71/ackc10/secondhemagog.jpg" alt="" />
I absolutey love the high country for elk and prefer to hunt when it's cold out. Love to hunt high for muleys but find most in the lower draw county. Here's a pic or two of some of what we hunt.

The first two are where we tend to concentrate on muleys. The next pic is a nice little honey hole secreted away around 9300 ft. Never fail to see critters there early morning and late in the evening.
Let's see if this works as it's been awhile since I've added any photos.
Ok, looks like I can add them but not a clue how to get the right order. The small pond in the draw is the honey hole. Other two are deer country, though we see elk once in a while.
I don't have any pics of my muleys spots, but here is a spot I hunt ducks at. I also hunt elk near by.

http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j75/reflex_2006/reflex2/FH000011.jpg" alt="" />
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/BobMarshall.jpg" alt="" />
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Beautiful country everyone! Thanks for sharing.
I finished my colorado apps this weekend and if the draw goes my way I'll be posting some new pics from some VERY high country that I haven't stomped around in for a few years. I'm excited...
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Great pics. I am not a high country fan myself. I love the sage and cedars and the red sand. I'll see if I can find a good pic to put up.
abrt, mine is very similar to ur's!
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i am going to have to dig in the old photo album for some of mine .
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/patspics/AUTUMN06/100_1397.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/patspics/AUTUMN06/100_1404.jpg" alt="" />

heres some from the last muzzleloader hunt
and one from a couple years ago

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/patspics/000_0038.jpg" alt="" />
I like to hunt anywere were there is no ceder trees. Its just really hard to hunt archery in the ceders. My most favorite is in the high timbers.
A few of my favorite areas........
and alot of my others look like hikers place
BB92, some of those places aren't to far from your hunting area by Vernal.

Some more favorite areas.........
are they in CO or UT?
BB, They're from Colorado......did you get your preference point for Colorado? Deadline is tommorrow the 3rd.
how much for them?
BB92, I just answered this for a friend and thought I'd cut and paste the response I gave him. You will need to apply for a preference point and the net cost will be 28. Colorado DOW charges you for the license of 304 for deer and will refund you back everything minus 25 point fee and 3 app fee. So you will recieve back 276 as soon as the draw is over. If you have purchased a CO tag the previous year, they waive the 25 PP fee and it only cost you 3 net. For elk, it will cost 254 to get a point and they will give you back 226 after the draw. If you had purchased a license the previous year, it'll only cost you 3 net. You can do it all online and pay with a credit card. For a Preference Point use code DP99999P for deer and EP99999P for elk.

Let me know if you have any more questions
o well i propaly afford hunting over there any way. thanks for the info though
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Some beautiful country! I love seeing the type of land everyone else hunts! Also the fact that although the vast majority of us are takin' pics of the land we hunt for Muleys in, the country is markedly different from area to area.

I went out this morning with my oldest son shed hunting (no luck) and took some pics of the country we hunt Muleys in here in WA state. It's a bit different from most of the other pics with one exception....rough country! LOVE IT!
AGC - That looks like some nice country, hows the genetics in the area? Looks about perfect to hold some big, hard to spot, old aged muleys. Got any pics of some bucks outa there?
hound_hunter, there are some pretty decent bucks in this area. I saw some when I worked for the Forest Service out there (Before I went and joined the military) that had me dreaming for years afterward. Of course, those bucks disappeared once the season opened!
Still, if you're willing to put the work in then they are out there. I have a couple pics of my two biggest bucks out of there and I'll post them tomorrow. I'm spending the weekend with the wife and kids but head back to base tomorrow. They are stored on my computer in my barracks room.
Just like most of the pics from others here, the rougher the country the better the chance of spotting a decent buck. It keeps most of "less active" hunters away....no roads!
Nice pics of good Muley country Hawk. That's what you need, rough country where they can't run the ridges with their 4 wheelers and pick ups. =D>
Here are some photos of the West Texas brush country I hunt muleys in...

http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k124/fithall/photo2.jpg" alt="" />

http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k124/fithall/photo1.jpg" alt="" />
txhunter, great lookin' country my friend!

Wayne, you nailed it! Those 4 wheelers bug the heck outta me!

hound_hunter, here's a pic of one of the bucks. I am trying to get the others to load up properly. I'll get them on here shortly.

This buck is not a "booner" by any stretch but I am happy with him..and the others.
looks like a nice buck to me Hawk
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http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l26/BIGDADDY_059/WYOMING075.jpg" alt="" />

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l26/BIGDADDY_059/WYOMING041.jpg" alt="" />

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l26/BIGDADDY_059/WYOMING162.jpg" alt="" />

My favorites, northeast wyoming for Muleys. The hills of PA for whitetails.
This was during the elk hunt but it's the same area that I deer hunt in.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/HPIM0004.jpg" alt="" />

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/HPIM0003.jpg" alt="" />

I like to get right in close with them no matter what weapon I'm using.
Great pics, love EM!
Great pics from everybody!! keep em coming.

HAWK - Definately is a beautiful muley, for a general season public land hunt i'd take that anyday. Nice lookin country hawk, thanks for sharing.

Hey, just curious, when did you finally decide to join the military? By the sounds of things (when you said you worked for the forest service before) i was thinking maybe you waited a couple years after high school before enlisting. Maybe not, just thought i'd ask though. great pics again, cant wait to see the other one if it works out
Seeing all these pics makes me homesick!

AGC, I can attest to how rough WA state is. Those Cascades are nasty, steep, thick, did I say nasty? But you're right, get away from the roads and you'll be by yourself.

I've noticed that's no quite the same in CO. Seems to be no matter how far away from the road I get, I always almost run into someone else. Guess it has something to do with CO not being quite as rough, who knows?
hound_hunter, I come from a family inwhich every male that I can think of, as far back as I can think of, did at least one stint in the military. Therefore, as for when I decided to join...it was early in my life (The vast majority of my family was Army).

I joined the Navy after my Junior year of High School and then that summer I got a job with the Forest Service as part of a trail crew. I did that during that summer. Then, after I graduated I went back and worked trail crew until my "boot camp" day rolled around. I quit the Forest Service, caught a Greyhound to Spokane, and the rest is history.

I'll tell you what though, that job was AWESOME! We would spend about a week in the wilderness at a time clearing trail and I even got to help participate in an Elk habitat study for two months which was REALLY cool. Sometimes I wish I would have stuck with them but I wouldn't give up my military career for anything.
Oh, hound_hunter, thanks for the compliment regarding the buck. Like I stated, I was happy with him. I got one even bigger in 2003 but I can't seem to get the pics off of my thumbdrive! I'll keep trying and if I manage to get it to work I'll post it too. If I can't, the next weekend I am home I'll take a pic of the antlers and post 'em.

ABert, you ain't kidding! Sometimes I wonder why I hike into that country but once I'm in there I have a tough time bringing myself to hike back out! I love not seeing other folks for days on end. Of course, I DO run into an occassional hunter while I'm out there but I can handle one or two hunters every other day or so. Certainly not NEAR as much pressure as the lowlands!
Nice Muley Hawk, been a loooooong time since I've been able to get one out whole. :thumb
Wayne, every year it gets harder and harder for me. I'm stubborn though!

It helps that I don't hunt alone and between me and my brother we can normally get a deer out of just about anywhere. As I creep up in age though I think I'm going to start re-thinking that tactic!
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I enjoy hunting in quakies. I LOVE the smell of a pine/quakie forest in the fall when everything is moist. Just thinking of that smell is sending me over the edge.

MAN, I love hunting.