What's the best hunt you have ever had?
1/14/07 8:34pm
We all have one, but there might be different reasons you think one hunt is better than another? What is it? What made "that hunt" the best of your life? Family and friends? The quality of animals? Location? Time of year? Time of your life? How long you had to hunt? Let's hear the stories of what was the best hunt of your life!!!!!!!!!
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My most favorite one was the 12B late hunt I went on in Arizona last year. I saw a ton of deer had a ton of fun camping with the family, and it was the middle of the rut. Another great thing about it was it went over Thanksgiving break so I could actually hunt instead of having to go to school. The only disappointment was all the big bucks had it figured out and would always stand on the Utah side of stateline instead of Arizona, except one that was right on the border and was moving into Arizona, but it was to dark to shoot. I ended up shooting a 22" 3x3 the second to last day of hunt. I think my little brother was more excited than me and that was cool too.
The deer wasn't the biggest buck I had ever seen, but the meat filled a huge void in the freezer and the fish were mighty fine eating as well.
I will never forget how excited my children were when they saw my buck, trul priceless.
My hunting partner is my father and has been for 35yrs, we have been on alot of trips together and I don't want to sound korny but truly every trip with him is the best.
on this hunt believe it or not the herd of elk were crossing with in 400 to 500 yards of the camp . we were eating lunch at the camp when the owner of the campground came to our trailer and asked if we were hunting elk . then he pointed out the herd of elk , must have been 70 or 80 elk in the herd , as they were crossing . talk about 5 hunters scrambling around camp to get thier gear together . we then loaded up into th trucks and got to within 250 yards of them . i then cut down low behind the herd and my brother and uncle went up ahead of the herd leaving my cousin and dad in the middle . i shot first and then everyone started to shoot . when the shooting was done , we had 5 elk down .
the hunt this bull was taken was just as fun . my brother , in the picture , was to circle around and above one end of the clearcut while i did the same on the other side and my father-in-law and wife would sit on the clearcut . as i worked my way up one side of a draw to above the clearcut , the elk started to come down the draw on the other side . i took a shot and missed , the elk were on the move now . as i crossed over and into the timber above the clearcut i could still hear the moving and chripping in the timber above me . little did i know as i started up after them that i split the heard up with some going low and some going high . then a shot from the clearcut rang out . an elk was hit . i started down to the clearcurt , as i entered the clearcut a bull ran in front of me at a full run . i shot and the bull slowed down crossing in front of my brother . the bull slowed to a walk then stopped and he shot the bull at the edge of the timber . wow , two elk down on this hunt . as we started to field dress the two elk , we noticed that the were still moving about and chripping to each other but it was too dark to see them . we were just amazed that this was happening after all the shooting that took place .
well they they are , two fun hunts for the stories to be told year after year . hope you enjoyed them .
Oh, and the second pic, that's frost in my beard. Honest :))
_gloomis, Welcome to MuleyMadness. Nice looking bucks.
good luck with that pahvant elk tag!