What's Your pet-peeve???
lifetime hunter
11/19/07 4:58pm
What is Your pet peeves ???
one of mine is Stupid Drivers!!!
-talking on cell phones
- going 25 up on on ramp.. & wondering why the other cars aren't letting her merge!!! ](*,)
- not using their blinkers!! they are made for that only reason.. USE THEM!!!
dang.. I could go on & on.....
but I'm sure I will think of more.. but what is yours? (???) :tz
one of mine is Stupid Drivers!!!
-talking on cell phones
- going 25 up on on ramp.. & wondering why the other cars aren't letting her merge!!! ](*,)
- not using their blinkers!! they are made for that only reason.. USE THEM!!!
dang.. I could go on & on.....
but I'm sure I will think of more.. but what is yours? (???) :tz
mine is road hunters! it drives me nuts! i've accually[spelling] passed a row of 5 trucks with people in the back that wouldn't let me by in fear of me seeing there little 2 point buck before them. so you know what i did???? i waited till i came to a area i could pass in the ditch, passed them while holding my horn down, then left the biggest rooster taill of gravel and dust in front of them so they wouldn't be able to breath for a long ways!lastly i held the horn down for as long as they could hear me in hopes that i would scare every animal within earshot of the road away!
it's not the most polite thing i've ever done but boy it was it satisfying!!
hahahhahah thats hilarious. I would do the SAME thing. hahahha!!! :thumb :)) 10sign:
Out here-
Road hunters and just plain stupid people who think because they drive BMW's and M. Benz's they can cut you you off dirve 100 in a 65 and weave in and out of traffic while tailgating everyone. :tz
Oh ya and people who have no patience.
Talkin during a movie omg that drives me nuts
I can understand typing fast and typing 'hvae' for 'have' but come on.. are you in that big of hurry you can't proof-read your post and spell something right?? if it's that hard then type it on 'Word' where there is a spell check and then cut it and paste it here! or use Firefox (instead of internet Explorer) cuz it does have spell check built in!
Older women who cant accept their age. You see them everywhere wearing too much makeup and their teeneage daughters clothes. YUCK!! Also walking by one of them that has dumped too much perfume on. GAG!! Or fake fingernails way too long. AARGHH!!!