What's Your pet-peeve???

What is Your pet peeves ???

one of mine is Stupid Drivers!!!
-talking on cell phones
- going 25 up on on ramp.. & wondering why the other cars aren't letting her merge!!! ](*,)

- not using their blinkers!! they are made for that only reason.. USE THEM!!!

dang.. I could go on & on.....

but I'm sure I will think of more.. but what is yours? (???) :tz
"lifetime hunter" wrote:What is Your pet peeves ???

one of mine is Stupid Drivers!!!
-talking on cell phones
- going 25 up on on ramp.. & wondering why the other cars aren't letting her merge!!! ](*,)

- not using their blinkers!! they are made for that only reason.. USE THEM!!!

dang.. I could go on & on.....

but I'm sure I will think of more.. but what is yours? (???) :tz
too funny :)) i'm guessing you had a run in with some woman driver today? :))
mine is road hunters! it drives me nuts! i've accually[spelling] passed a row of 5 trucks with people in the back that wouldn't let me by in fear of me seeing there little 2 point buck before them. so you know what i did???? i waited till i came to a area i could pass in the ditch, passed them while holding my horn down, then left the biggest rooster taill of gravel and dust in front of them so they wouldn't be able to breath for a long ways!lastly i held the horn down for as long as they could hear me in hopes that i would scare every animal within earshot of the road away!
it's not the most polite thing i've ever done but boy it was it satisfying!!
too funny laugh i'm guessing you had a run in with some woman driver today? laugh
mine is road hunters! it drives me nuts! i've accually[spelling] passed a row of 5 trucks with people in the back that wouldn't let me by in fear of me seeing there little 2 point buck before them. so you know what i did???? i waited till i came to a area i could pass in the ditch, passed them while holding my horn down, then left the biggest rooster taill of gravel and dust in front of them so they wouldn't be able to breath for a long ways!lastly i held the horn down for as long as they could hear me in hopes that i would scare every animal within earshot of the road away!
it's not the most polite thing i've ever done but boy it was it satisfying!!

hahahhahah thats hilarious. I would do the SAME thing. hahahha!!! :thumb :)) 10sign:
HAHA that is freekin awesom killer i wish i coulda been there to see that
hmm my pet peeve. it would have to be while your rifle hunting and some tard checks to see what your doin through the scope on his rifle
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o man wat i really cant stand is when ur at a meeting and its just about to be over but right before u leave someone has to ask a bunch of questions and makes the meeting like twenty minutes longer that just makes me so mad lol ](*,)
my pet peeve is when someone tells you to treat others with respect. then turns around and treats someone else like dirt and brags about it.
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Somebody sitting in the tree stand I packed in and hung 4 days earlier and wanting to know if I wanted them to get down? :222
People that do this kind of crap!
Somebody sitting in the tree stand I packed in and hung 4 days earlier and wanting to know if I wanted them to get down?
used to be people who tresspassed on our deer land back east and stole our tree stands over and over.

Out here-
Road hunters and just plain stupid people who think because they drive BMW's and M. Benz's they can cut you you off dirve 100 in a 65 and weave in and out of traffic while tailgating everyone. :tz
When I'm in a hurry [going hunting] Waiting in line at a fuel stop while the checkout is being held up by people buying lottery tickets and cigarettes.
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People who drive off of the road in to ditches, then drive back on to the road and dig ruts "rooster tails" in the road causing damage to the road. Then driving down the road honking their horn herassing the wildlife in the area and thinking they are in the wright. :-k
Oh ya and people who have no patience.
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Driving by abandoned camp sites that have a fire pit full of trash. This year on my Colorado archery elk hunt while I was waiting for the processor to get my elk ready, I spent a half day on a remote dirt road taking pictures and cleaning up other peoples trash, filled 6 big glad bags? :nono:
"Shed Crazy" wrote:People who drive off of the road in to ditches, then drive back on to the road and dig ruts "rooster tails" in the road causing damage to the road. Then driving down the road honking their horn herassing the wildlife in the area and thinking they are in the wright. :-k
Oh ya and people who have no patience.
i'm going to assume that this is a round about reply to my "road rage "post (???) (???) :)) like i stated it's not the most polite thing i've ever done. it was also a good 8 +/- yrs ago. and after following a group of MORONS [ or road hunters some might call them,around here i've seen them with freikin recliners and couches in the bed of there pickups] for 15 miles using blinkers and giving all the hints needed to let them know that i'm not interested in hunting "there road", i really didn't care if they thought it was impolite ](*,) you could call it "harassing" wildlife, or you could call it saving a few young bucks from these non-hunters. either way, to each his own, i cant stand road hunting! :>/ :>/
jersey boy
My pet peeve is where im trying to do some road hunting and some guy comes passing by wailing on his horn and roostertails me!!! LOL kidding killer my pet peeve is when im hunting and im in the treestand on public property and some guy comes buy sees you and comes to the tree to ask me if i saw anything or just start a convo its like what are you doing im hunting go away!!

Talkin during a movie omg that drives me nuts
Buck Fever
People who drive 10 miles/hr under the speed limit. AT LEAST DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT!! :nono:
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Road hunters,tresspassers and people who get mad if I don't have the patience to sit behind them while they are road hunting. I'll give em a rooster tail everytime!!!
"muleystalker01" wrote:Road hunters,tresspassers and people who get mad if I don't have the patience to sit behind them while they are road hunting. I'll give em a rooster tail everytime!!!
:thumb THATS WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT :thumb i think anybody who takes offence to that must not enjoy eating dust .....i.e..... road hunters!
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people who hunt just for "antlers" then meat. :222
lifetime hunter
People who can't spell!! now don't get me wrong... I'm not the world's greatest speller!

I can understand typing fast and typing 'hvae' for 'have' but come on.. are you in that big of hurry you can't proof-read your post and spell something right?? if it's that hard then type it on 'Word' where there is a spell check and then cut it and paste it here! or use Firefox (instead of internet Explorer) cuz it does have spell check built in!
Ok here is mine.

Older women who cant accept their age. You see them everywhere wearing too much makeup and their teeneage daughters clothes. YUCK!! Also walking by one of them that has dumped too much perfume on. GAG!! Or fake fingernails way too long. AARGHH!!!