What's your unicorn?

I'm sure we all have that one animal that we just can't seem to put in the freezer when the tag is in our pocket. The animal that if you managed to put it on the ground, it would make you're decade. I'm not talking about the one where the battle is 80% won when you draw the tag (i.e. Utah elk). I'm talking about the one that you work your tail off for every year, but things just don't work out.

For me, it's a black bear. I've had a little success over the past few years with deer and elk, but I just can't seem to arrow a bear #-o . I have never worked harder, or been more frustrated over any other animal ](*,) . I'm convinced that no human being has ever seen a black bear in the light of day! :-k

If you put a 30 inch buck, 330 bull, 80 inch antelope, and a bear side by side and gave me one shot. I don't even hesitate, the bear is getting stuck.

So, what's that animal to you?
Definately a P&Y coues buck with a bow.......one tough critter for me!
that illusive bigfoot. never seem to be able to get a shot.lol
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Archery fair chase spot and stalk mountain lion.
I've got a list of them! But a good coues buck and bear have been on my list for quite a while.
turkey have had many chances but something goes wrong everytime
1st year stopped just out of range
2nd year stopped right behind a tree got nervous and walked away directly behind tree
and this year went to shoot and my sling was in front of my sights and had to move to shoot so the turkeys busted out of there :>/

so maybe one day i will get one (hopefully)
shed hunter
coyote.. i can never kill them if my life depended on it! they are too smart where i live (???)
A nice 350+ bull elk, my dad got a tag this year but didn't get one. Sometimes seriosly i get teary eyed at night in bed because we didn't get one. And to you guys /girls that have, YOU DONT'T KNOW ONE BIT HOW LUCKY YOU ARE.
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I'd have to say I'm with meathunter...
I'd really like an unaided archery mountain lion.... Of course there's others on my list..... but a lion without dogs, with a bow........I literally dream about it at night.
I haven't chased very many different types of animals but the one that has been giving me trouble have been the javelina. They seem to give me the slip every time. ](*,)
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2 years ago I was bowhunting bears early in the morning opening day, when I had a beautiful cinnamon bruiser about 20 yards in front of me. I could only see his head though and from the looks of it, it looked like a good one. I drew back my bow and put my pin right on his head and held there for a good minute thinking to myself that when he steps out from behind that bush, I'm gonna whack him. Well he didn't step out he freakin' ran out like a bat out of hell after he finally winded me, and I was right he was a dandy. So now I'm standing there cussing myself for not putting that muzzy right through his skull when all of a sudden my guardian angel appeared on my shoulder and said that I did the right thing by waiting for the right shot and that I would be rewarded for it later. Ok I don't really have a guardian angel, but that is the thought that ran through my head anyways. Did I do the right thing or is a head shot legit? :arrow
oh i know exactly that feeling" should i have just tried the shot??" but you made a great choice and hopefully you'll get even a bigger one next time! anyone can fling an arrow and see what happens, it takes a true hunter to hold off till the moment is right and you can make a GOOD shot! great job!
straightshooter, I agree with Killer! Better to wait and make the shot count instead of making a hasty or ill-advised shot and end up with a wounded animal. I had to make the same decision just this last deer season (Rifle though, not archery). I just wasn't comfortable with the wind and distance so I passed it up. Although I STILL run through the scenario in my head to this day I am happy and comfortable with my decision. It's been three years since I pulled the trigger on a Mule deer though and the longer it is the more "trigger happy" I get...LOL
Thank god I've been three for three on my Idaho whitetail hunts during that period though. Kinda takes the sting out of disappointing Mulie seasons a little bit.
The one that has been giving the hardest time would have to be a buck jackalope all i can seem to get are the does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Coyote with a bow. When I bring the bow they show up in gun range. When I bring a gun they're in bow range.
Mine would be my first big game bow kill. Been doing it for a couple of years now, and can not seem to get it done. Maybe this year.
I would have to second BOHNTR and StickFlicker on a good Coues Deer. I have been trying for 3 years...spot and stalk..not sitting at a waterhole... and have yet to release an arrow. I sure hope it won't take a decade.
bowcrazy you made me think about what I said in my first post. I forgot this was an "all weapons site" and I meant those two animals with a bow. I've taken almost every big game animal in Arizona without the aid of a guide or dogs, if you include bow and rifle kills. The only two I haven't taken are the two that I've never drawn after 25 years or so of trying, buffalo and bighorn. So, those two TAGS seem to be my unicorn. But with a bow, a good coues buck and bear have been on my list for quite a while!

Mine is a 300+ bull elk with a bow,i have taken elk but havnt connected with a big one,ive only been bow hunting for 3 years so I have time.My unicorn for rifle will be a 200" muley,i have killed some great bucks but a 200" muley from Montana is a unicorn in anyones book.
I decided that this is the year that we all need to harvest our unicorns, so I went out and got mine. Now it's your turn!

I wish you all luck this year and hope it will be your best yet.
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/PaulNigbur/IMG_2144Largee-mailview.jpg" alt="" />

Now I need to get a 330+ bull elk with my bow. [-o<
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aint shot nuthing with a bow but i want to shoot ether an alligator a crocidile or a big bull or buck!!! :arrow :thumb
The Ox
thats a gorgeous bear congrats!!! show me your rack lol you crack me up ill bet you have found some of those jackalope sheds though lol

Great looking Bear, thanks for sharing!
IDHunter, great lookin' bruin!! CONGRATS!
i think as of my track record, my unicorn is drawing a stinking tag!, no really mine is still a 330+ bull with my bow. i've had a lot of close calls but didn't come together. i've shot a few smaller bulls but not the big one. maybe this year--- on another general hunt.
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mine would have to be the tag I will probably never draw.mountain goat.they only allow 2 tags a year and this year there is no season.still got a point though.
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Black Bear!

But hopefully this year I will take care of it.
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I'm with ya ID - definately black bear. I have had 3 tags and have yet to stick a bear with my bow. The old, "coulda, woulda, shouda" comes to mind but nothing seams to come together when it comes to hunting black bear. I am looking at a spring bear hunt in Alberta in '08 so we will see what happens there.