what should I carry into the field?
10/25/09 10:42am
Im going to wyoming mule deer hunting in nov. The hunt will be guided. We will take an atv out and spot and the stalk.I will be hunting with my father 70 yrs old, and my 16 yr old son. We all have day packs. What should we take with us each day. The packs are camel packs. I have a good idea what we will need but dont want to over do it. How much amo should we carry? Should I bring a hand gun? All I have are one's that I carry for protection.
Good luck.
Best thing you can bring is a positve attitude and a will to have some fun. I hope you have a great time and enjoy Wyoming. Good luck on your hunt; I hope it results in trophy critters and memories.
What would be the purpose of the handgun? If you get close enough are you going to shoot the deer with it? Bear protection? I don't know what type of arsenal you have, but if all you have is a .380 auto it's not going to be very effective on a charging bear. If your thinking of a more powerful revolver type handgun is the added weight going to be an issue? Your going to have a high power rifle with you so you probably won't need a handgun. I'd check with your guide see what he thinks.
I have contacted our guide, and he says bring clothes and Guns and ammo. I just dont want too
get there and not have something that I might have needed. I wasnt going to bring my son's hunter safety card. I thought that information was on a data base and if you didnt have one then you couldnt buy a license.
As for the hand gun,I thought about bringing my .45. I dont now how far we will be hunting from camp and if something happened to the guide I would have another weapon for protection.