What State is better for Mule Deer hunting???

Vote your opinion!

Wait a minute, where is my state. :)

I did vote though.
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[quote="MuleyMadness"]Wait a minute, where is my state.

That is exactly what i was thinking also. Tow great states are left out. Utah and Arizona
I assume that the poster wants to know which of those four states we consider to be the best hunting for mule deer because those are the four states he is considering putting in for.
Springville Shooter
I voted, but I want to explain that there are many ways to define "best". For killing a trophy on an OTC tag, Idaho is best. For the most improved herds, I think Nevada takes the cake. But the overall, alltime Mule Deer Mecca has to be Colorado in my book. No serious trophy huner neglects this state.--------SS
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i've hunted a lot of states and for over the counter ten years ago i would say arizona or colorado, and i live in idaho and i have seen some descent bucks but not like arizona for an over the counter. but draw or over the counter it would be #1 arizona- producing a lot of bucks over 200" on the strip #2 colorado because you can go anywhere in that state and possibly kill a monster buck! i love to hunt and want to kill a huge buck and there is a lot of states that produces bucks over 200", but its where you put your time in and if any place in the world to have a chance at a monster im shoot for arizona, thats my opion!
Colorado hasn't been OTC for more than a few years now.
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I beleive that the four states that are giving all have those pesty mini muleys with white tails, The poster must not know where to find real mule deer! So he can hunt any of those other areas all he wants!! lol
How did New Mexico make the list, but Utah and Arizona didn't? :-k
I think the poll is skewed in some way. I've hunted CO most of my life and have never even seen a buck! So those of you who are voting for CO, just stop...PLEASE!!!

We don't need any more hunters there than we already have lol
Don't forget Nevada. They do have a 30 to 100 doe ratio. The sad thing is, you have to be REAL LUCKY as a Non Resident to draw lol Still love my Home State of Utah though. Colorado still produces the most B&C Bucks the last I heard.