What would cause this?

Ok so I am in Island Park chasing elk. I still have my deer tag. I made a nice shot on a doe. The only problem is that my arrow is covered in blood but there is zero blood where I shot her at and zero blood trail. Even where she stood on the hillside for 2 minutes! She was quarting away and I swear I put. It right behind her shoulder at 20yards.
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Possibly fat or tissue plugging the hole? (???)

Often the shot is hard to see precisely and you may have hit her differently than you think. Keep looking, Good Luck.

What kind of broadhead you shooting? Tissue can clog a hole but wouldn't think that it would if you had a clean passhtrough. Sometimes if you hit them high they will take a little longer to starte bleeding. I would suggest pattern searching until you pick up the trail.
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I am shooting a G5 Montec. 100gr. I don't think I hit her high if anything it was a little lower. I have looked for hours. But I will keep at it until I head back home tomorrow morning. Thanks for the advice.
Well with a fixed head like that it rules out an expandable not opening up. I killed two does last year with montecs and both took about 5 to 10 yards to begin bleeding. After that they had good blood trails though. I don't know what else to tell you man other than keep up the good work!
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I hope you're able to find her! I'm stumped on why there wasn't a trail around.... good luck though. You deserve it!
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Well guys, no luck in finding that doe!!! I looked almost the whole day yesterday and never found anything, Not even blood. I dont know what went on!!! Pretty bummed that wouldve been my first deer with a bow!
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I wonder what ended up happening. That's too bad
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Yea I have no idea. I thought about it and thought about it and it never made sense. I hate when I can find a game animal. I just makes me sick!!!
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I once read an article and maybe you guys that know more about it can explain more in detail but it was asking peoples thoughts on an area on a deer they said if you hit its not a deadly shot. Its below the spine and above the lungs but like you said if you think you hit her low thats not the case.
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My Doe i shot last week did the same thing. It was a 40 yr shot downhill. I shot and the deer took off. Found my arrow covered in blood and no blood anywhere on the ground. I knew it was a very good shot.

I just started looking for the deer instead of blood. Found my deer 60 yrds later, arrow went thru both lungs and she just bled out inside.