What would you do?

I dont know how many people have been in my situations, but its very aggravating! I drew on a nice deer hunt in Idaho and have been short on time and money getting out. Well I was able to get out last night I knew where I would be going. Its a 45 minute atv ride from the truck then a hike from hell. Well anyway I get down into this canyon and at about 6pm I spot 2 bucks. One was a big bodied and seemed to have a nice rack. Both the deer were 4x4's one was a little smaller. I ranged them at 575 but they were feeding up the hill. This is a chip shot for me. (I shot my antelope at 707) I got set up prone and watched the two spare in my scope. As I would have thought the bigger buck was the dominant buck and was pushing the little one around. When they broke apart I let the 168gr .308 fly! I missed the first shot a little low. So I adjusted the scope and got situated. The deer where just standing there looking around. I sent the 2nd shot and I could here the THUD! The small buck immediately broke back down hill the big buck was standing there for a few seconds wobbling then started to stagger back down hill right before I put another in him. I sat there until dark watching for them. The small buck came back out and started to feed up the hill. No big buck though. I am sure he is dead in the ravine.

So I start my trek out, since it is to late to find my way over to him. It was dark. I call my father in law, who is the owner of the company I work for. I tell him what happened, I asked what he thought about me taking today off to go get the deer. He told me that business comes first and that we can afford to have my store closed. ( I am a manager of on of his stores) Since he and his son are on a spike elk hunt neither of them are here to cover me.

I am pissed. This goes against everything that I have been taught. There is no way to go up before or after work since I will not have enough time. I feel like crap for this. If I would have known he was not going to let me go back and get my deer, I would have not taken the shot. He says he is a sportsman, but this tells me otherwise. The soonest I can get up there will be wednesday on my day off. By then the deer will be rotted. So my trophy deer hunt will end with me having some antlers, no meat. I am a meat hunter. I shot this deer because of the body first and the antlers second.

Have any of you been in this situation? What did you do? or would have done? l cant call in sick since he would know what I was doing!!! Working for family sucks!!!!
What a tough situation. I would take a friend and go up in the dark tonight. It may be tough to find the buck but at least there is a chance. I would also factor in how familiar you are with this area, you wouldn't want to put yourself in any danger and I wouldn't suggest going in alone.
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I agree, grab a couple of friends and get in there in the dark after work with plenty of flashlights. You took the shot and hit the animal, you have to at least try to find it. I bet the meats gonna be rancid by now as it sounds like the deers been dead a couple of days so you have to weigh that as well. Maybe its not worth trying since its been so long and the bears and coyotes have more than likely gone to town on it (if they are known to be in the area). Where I hunt, if any animal was left dead overnight, its gonna get eaten. Sorry to hear about this tough situation.
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Thanks for the replies. I will try to round up some people to go with me. I am pretty familiar with the area and will be able to find it in the dark, it will be tough to find him, but I agree I have to at least try. That was the main reason I did not hike over to him last night, I was by my self. There are no bears where I am at so I am not worried about that. Coyotes maybe, there has also been a few wolf sightings, and cougars. There are a lot of cats.
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Whatever you do, be safe. Don't go alone and bring gun! Good luck. I really hope its been really cold and you find the animal perfectly aged!
Any luck? Hope everything turned out alright.
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I am heading up in the morning. That is the soonest I can go. I could not find anyone to go with me last night. Its been below 40 degrees during the day and freezing at night, Everyone I talk to said that most of the meat will be good, which make me happy.
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I hope you're able to find him... I'm sorry to hear about the timing of everything. The first thing is for you to be safe, and then make your best effort to find him! Keep us posted!
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Glad to hear about those temps. That should help you quite a bit. Good luck!
Keep us posted. Good luck!
Anything? :s
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Well I found the buck. He was exactly where I knew he would be. My plan was to walk up the finger he was in and I was sure I would find him. It has snowed the night before so there was 6-10 inches of fresh powder up there. I decided to follow the coyote tracks and it led me right to him. One side of him was pretty well eaten along with his insides. When I rolled him over the other side was still good meat was frozen, but with the guts all over him I did not dare to risk it with the meat. I think a mt. lion had gotten to him. He was drug about 30 yards from in the open to under a tree in some thick buck brush. The cat had not been back since it snowed though. Anyway I feel better that I know he is not wounded and suffering up in the mtns. I knew I put a good shot on him and that he was dead. He went about 40 yards down the hill and was done. He is not as big as I would have liked but I worked harder for that deer than any other animal I have ever taken. I feel bad that all I was able to get was the antlers. I made a valiant effort to retrieve him and that is what I did.

After seeing where he was at during the day. There was no way I was going to make it in there in the dark. I am glad I did not try that night. It is very steep and thick.
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I'm glad you were able to retrieve the buck- it's too bad that the animals beat you to him though. At least you were able to get some closure on it instead of wondering if he was only wounded. Any pics by chance?
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Good for you. Glad you found him. Any pics?
Live and learn, that's for sure. That made me think about what I will do in the future.....thanks for sharing your experience with us and glad you found your buck. Pictures would be great.