what would you do?
3/25/07 2:32pm
last year i was on one of my many pack in bow hunt here in eastern oregon. the elevation is 8600 - 8000 ft where i was hunting so weather can come in any time in a hurry. so while i was hunting late morning it started snowing, and i dont mean a little, it was coming down in golf ball size flakes! I kicked back under a evergreen and made a little fire for a bit to see if it would pass but after an hour or so it kept it up so i figured i go hit some thick pole thickets and just still hunt my way back to camp. in this hour or so it had snowed 4-5 inches. on my way to the thickets i was crossing the last opening and wouldn't you know it--- 5 point bull standing at the edge of the little meadow 60 yds away! he had no clue i was there and the snow was coming down so hard i dont think he would have made me out anyway. I pulled my rangefinder out and ranged a christmas tree ahead of me at 18 yrd and the bull at 61 yrds, figured if i got to the tree i would shoot. getting to the tree was easy, i even had to cross a 5 yrd opening completly exposed to the bull and didn't get busted{ remind you though, it was still bombing snow blizzard style with the wind howling accross the hill missing him} so i get to the tree and range the bull, 43 yrds, i can make that. i draw back my bow and realized im reaching over the tree to make the shot. so i let down and move beside the tree where there is nothing between me and the bull. it was very steep country so im shooting sharply down hill. I draw--- accually count the pins to 40, breath and shoot!---- can't explain, but i hit the bull to far back, i'm thinking guts and with any luck maybe i'll get some liver.----------------------------------- so it's still blizzard style snowing, i have a gut shot bull, and he's heading into the biggest canyon around. what should i do from here??? in a few days i'll post what happend!
As a side note, only one time have I needed to start a fire. Well, didn't NEED to, but it helped keep me and my dad warm while my brother went back to camp to get some help with dragging my brother's bull out of the woods. We were doing fine until the sled split in two and need to get the other sled from camp. Amazing how cold it gets when the sun goes down and you aren't dragging a critter through the woods.
He bled very little on the outside and with the rain there was pretty much no blood trail. Me and my wife literally crawled around no our hands and knees looking for sign. My wife finally found something but the trail died out soon. I kept sweeping back and forth heading the general direction. The bull had only gone about 200 yards but the only way we found him was just dogged perserverance. There's no better way to learn to NOT TAKE MARGINAL SHOTS. We recovered the bull in about 4 hours but that's an emotional roller coaster ride that I don't care to be on again...
So how'd your story end?
I am interestd to hear the rest of the story.
I really enjoyed everyone's input, i think it goes to show there is more than 1 way to handle a situation! =D>
great comments from everyone!!!!!!!!!!