what would you do?
The Ox
11/10/07 6:53pm
If you are out and come across a wounded deer that stuggled wallking a round and you have a gun with you would you put it down or let it be? (wounded by a gun)
I've actually been in this situation on three different occasions (One was a deer that was hit by a car).
My brother and I came across a doe that someone had shot twice (It was during a buck-only season too). Her back was broken and was struggling like mad to get up. I quickly put a bullet into the back of her head to end her suffering. However, what REALLY bothered me (Besides the fact that someone poached her) was that I had to leave her to waste. There was no way I would have been able to prove to a warden that I found her wounded and just ended her suffering. Therefore, we headed out and left her to the coyotes.
The second time I spotted a yearling that had a leg that was hanging by nothing more than a thin piece of hid. Because there were other hunters in the area and I didn't want anyone to accuse me of poaching I let it go.
The third time, I came across a nice 3x3 that was hit by a car. It was the summer time, 90+ degrees out, and it was evident that he had dragged himself along the side of the road for a good majority of the night/morning. He was just about spent when I found him so I grabbed my .45 from under my seat and ended it for him.
It's a shame in all cases. First off, people shooting indiscriminately (The yearling was shot illegally also), the animals suffered a lot, and I had to let them lie there (and in the yearlings case, walk away to suffer longer). I realize that the game department has a tough job to do and some "less honest" folks might shoot a deer themselves and claim they found it...but it was tough leaving them to waste like that. However, I am not going to risk my finances, freedom, and future hunting opportunities because of some idiot who thinks the rules don't apply to them.
My wife hit a deer on Christmas day about 7 years ago. I was following her in my truck and watched the whole thing happen. The deer was a BIG three point, but his spine was broken and he was a definite gonner. I pulled out the .22 and put one behind his ear. Sad, but it had to happen.
Maybe she will make it. I wasn't about to clean up some one else's mess.
Of course it would have been a different situation if she had been mortally wounded.
In the case of the wounded doe I came across, we were a long was from any road and I don't carry a cell phone with me in the field (I doubt I would have had any service anyway).
I'm sure that most folks here already realize that I have no patience for poachers and do things by the book. However, every once in a while there comes a time when you have do what's right, whether it's "by the book" or not. In this case, I felt the right thing to do was to end her suffering. I'd rather pay the fine than to go home knowing that she was still laying there suffering.