Whats your opionin
5/6/05 7:41pm
Anti gunners cow killers and doe shoters are the worst people that can screw your hunt up. No effence.
You have alot to learn about hunting and the reasons behind the many people that cherish the hunt. I have to disagree with you on your point of view on shooting a cow or doe and being an anti-gunner as well. First off I will tell you about shooting a cow or doe an why I have chose to go on a anterless hunt before. You see I love to hunt and be in the mountains which is the only place I can call home for me an my horse. I don't go to kill or slaughter animals but to pay my respect to God's creatures an see his beautiful makings. I love to go out of the cabin an onto the porch an take a deep breath an close my eyes only to open them feeling like im in heaven an the only thing on my mind is to go out an enjoy the hunt. We are in times that have changed since before my time and im sure before yours as well because we can run down to the 7-11 an pick up a slurpee an a weiner than be on our way with the day instead of going out like they use to an shoot for food just to survive. See we don't HAVE TO but we choose to not for the same reasons of survival but we still love the meat an choose it over payin 2 bucks a lb at the local grocery. There is nothing like wild game to have on the dinner table sharing it with your loved ones an knowing you didn't waste this fine animal on a rack or a mount on the wall. Most of the anterless hunters do the right thing an use all of the meat taken instead of cutting off the head just for the mount an waste the rest like some trophy hunters have. You need to understand that we all are not the same so don't generalize on just shooting a cow or doe but instead look at it as a positive thing in keeping the doe to buck ratio steady an keeping food on the dinner table for the family to enjoy. Oh this reply is getting long already but I have to keep going because I have a bone to pick with you about the anti-gunners as well. Even though they don't see our side like we want them to I have to say that we don't see their side that well neither. Lets not hate them for it but instead fight back an support the NRA or other supporting foundations an do our job monthly to keep sure our rights are protected. None of us have to pick a quarrel with them but instead just do our job with the NRA and im sure there will be many of years ahead to where we can enjoy the sport of hunting an the right to own a gun. Well thats all I have for now so I Hope you get something out of my reply an enjoy the sheds alright. God Bless Our Troops and happy hunting.
Bottomline don't bust anyone in the chops that you have no idea there situation and you will get along with folks around here alot better.
Happy Trails!!!!!!!!
Good post! But to be honest with you, I'd save your breath. A few of us here have tried to explain things to the youngman, but he refuses to listen. (look in the archery section) Hopefully he'll sit back and learn some good valuable information here and think before he posts something. I like involving youth in our sport, especially those who are willing to learn. I hope it helps him.
There is only one more thing that i have to say this is another reason that i dont like the cow elk hunts in utah, They hunt them from the middle of november to late Jan. That is one reason along with all the others that I would not kill a cow elk.
It is good that u can take a few cow elk but there is to many being shot doun.
Sounds just about right! He is young and I am sure some day his eyes will be opened by the harshness that is hunting big game in the western states. It is a sad but true thing to realize that as a young kid all your heart went into accomplishing something only to get out in the real world and have those plans shut down by an out side power, not letting you achieve those goals, at least not as easily as once thought when traveling that long road down the teen years.
Like I said, I once had that very same attitude, WHY WOULD ANY ONE WANT TO PUT THERE TAG ON A SLOPEHEAD!!!! But after seeing things in a different light, you know the real world! My opinions have drastically changed.
You know the thing about it was that my dad has and always be my best hunting parnter. I respect the views he instilled in me, I enjoy his hunting skills, qualities, and hard work attitude. And if it means me putting in for a late season cow elk tag, than you will be damned if i wouldn't do it this year and every year from here on out to spend those moments with my dad in the field. He and I did not get along very well during my high school years, as I look back now I know who or what the problem was and you can bet it wasn't him, but the only time he and I could share kind words was during hunting season and I wouldn't give that up for anything.
As far as shorty is concerned I looked into the replies he put into the archery section and I couldn't find anything, maybe muleymadness already did away with it but I would be interested to see what he had to say. As I sit here and think about it I have seen very few other people that have had the success and knowledge with bowhunting that you have. Has he questioned your abilities or opinions! Seems as if you and this young man have had different opinions about something.
I stand corrected, I did find these wonderful posts you were talking about that our younger generation so graciously posted on this site and completely enlightened us with his knowledge. Now I don't want to bash on the poor kid, as I am sure there are other things that would explain his behavior over on the archery section, but what the heck was that about. He surely did not question your abilities did he! I think he did, however, as I know and I am sure you know, it is a sad thing when one must post pictures to prove themselves. Before I even had a chance to talk to you more on this site I knew I was dealing with a guy that knew what he was talking about. I still have not seen anyone that has had the unreal success you have had with that bow equipment. Not only deer, but hogs, and turkeys! I think that is what I consider the best part of this site as well as a few others I visit, no matter how much I think I know, someone will always know more. And the best thing to do is sit back and listen to what someone tries to tell you, you might learn some pretty valuable pieces of information around here. I guess that is what doing your homework entails. Learning from others, listening, practicing what you have been told and taught. I know that before I open my mouth I am definetly going to investigate the situation before I make a joke out of myself!
I would think that anyone that has been on this site long enough has seen some sort of photo of a mulie, blacktail, hog, or turkey you have taken!
I am done on this topic
If there is a guy named m6_rider he is not my dad and dont pay atention to him he is just trying to rack up posts so that he canbe a three point.
What up dude? Hey, you are entitled to your own opinion. Don't change your beliefs due to what others claim is right, they wouldn't change theirs for you. Personally, I would prefer to shoot big bulls and bucks but some would rather hunt antlerless and they have their own views about hunting. The point is that it needs to be done and I'm glad they are controlling our herds.
Thanks,wrmdnkr,tylercreek2,WYMULEYMAN,Danthe2pointmuleyman, and
BOHNTR and abert.
Thanks agin
what did you post on the archery section that upset everyone?
The thing is, is those type of posts are what are making the regulars around here., leave. And by regulars I mean those that have been here from the beginning and have that knowledge that we all could learn a thing or two from. It is upsetting to see good folks like BOHNTR move on. It was a super opportunity for people that want to learn and share experiences with those that maybe don't know everything these other guys might know more about. I will tell you this, I was checking out some other websites and ran across BOHNTR, I then came upon this website and found him here as well. I was happy to see what a nice guy he was and how much knowledge he had. Always a encouraging word or two, always a congratulations, always friendly as could be. I will surely miss him around here.
got ya. I saw that as well. butt he's young and doesn't really understand why it's important to control the female population as well. =;
Hunting is many things to many people. In hunters' education classes we teach the evolution of the hunter and his progression of motives which range all the way from the beginner who always wants to fill his limit to the meat hunter to the horn hunter to the trophy hunter to the wizened old guy who just loves to commune with the hunt itself.
I have also known poor folks in this state who actually subsisted on venison and other wild game for lack of anything else to eat. When I taught school years ago in the Ozark mountains, I had a student who was taken out of school by his father on the opening day of squirrel season each year and not allowed to return until he had put 300 of the "tree rats" in the freezer for his family to eat during the coming year. The boy was a crack-shot too. He once told me his daddy whipped him for shooting too many .22 shells to get those 300 squirrels. He had fired 309 shots to bag the 300 and that was a "waste of ammo", at least according to his father.
Obviously, most of us who hunt don't do so for subsistence. We may prefer to eat wild game, but we don't have to.
As for killing slick-heads, proper game management practices sometimes dictate that we must do just that. It is no badge of dishonor to kill a doe or a cow. I have burned tags putting down a crippled or injured animal because that was the right thing to do. I'll bet many of you guys have too.
Your sport is yours to preserve, whatever the personal cost. Even your ego.
Wise words my friend!
"Hunting is many things to many people"
Probably one of the best lines I have read within this website. It is unfortunate for this crap to be going on around here. Hopefully we all can make a change for the better as I love coming to this website. Unfortunately I received a private message from one of our other regulars around here yesterday and he has left this website until things can get turned around, hopefully! I hope these type of posts don't continue forcing people to leave. I remember last year about this time the main topic of the site was anticipation for the upcoming season. Now today we sit here talking about our fellow members that are leaving, disgusting. I hope you will continue posting and let us know if you will be returning to wyoming this year to chase those big mulies down in Shosoni.
Anybody out there wanna drive the bus ?