When I was a kid...

I literally followed my dad through the high desert in San Diego County from the age of 5 or so. I learned to hunt hard. It didn't matter how steep, or how rugged. My Pa was a mountain goat. It taught me well. He always got a San Diego deer by the end of the season. And, so did I, once I was old enough to hunt.

Looking back, we coverd a lot of ground. Knowing what I know now from reading the books, website, and magazine, we probably passed up or spooked the biggest bucks. We could have easily sat and glassed up some amazing desert terrain. My dad's theory was to jump them out of their beds. It worked. But, again, I bet we missed out on some big smart bucks. It seems like sitting and glassing is a newer concept. And, from what I read, hunting the desert and sage, has just caught on in the last decade.

I wish that I could go hunt all the same stuff that my Pa and I hunted twenty-five years ago. Since then, it has all become Anza Borrego State Park.

Just thinking outloud.
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man, i remember back in the day when i was just a young pup!
the coolest thing that i remember about hunting was the week long trips with my old man to the country. it use to tick my mom off so bad because she hated the fact that my dad let my miss a week of school for deer and then a week for elk. man my dad was cool. since i was just a little man following him around the country he always let me do as i wanted when it came to hunting as long as i did too things. one, kept my grades up and two stayed out of trouble. some kids stayed good for santa clause in december, man i stayed good so that i could follow my dad around for two weeks in the fall. it stinks that everything has changed for me, i still try to get out each year as much as possible and hunt my rear off but i am in a transition period in my life. just fininshed school and just started a new job. the place i work is sweet and they allow vacation after only six months of work so i will have three weeks to burn this hunt season so i am super excited about that. those carefree days are a thing of the past but as i look back now i see only good things in the future. so bring it on!!!!!!! :D
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You sound alot like my dad and brother one track. We started hunting with my dad since my brother and I were old enough to keep up, which was pretty tough to do as kids. I remember coming home with my feet on fire and blisters, but I didn't mind. We hunt rolling hills with sagebrush and oak canyons in Central Oregon. It's funny that you say that you kick the deer out of the draws, thats what we have always done and always have been successful every year. We walk every draw and roll rocks into the oaks or brush piles to kick the deer out, I think it's really a exciting way to hunt. I've watched many hunting videos and they say to sit down and glass for the bucks, but it may be hard to change our way of hunting. Take it easy.