When is everyone leaving?

I quess that I am not the only one going to be heading off to CO for the opener on the 30th, so my question is when is everyone leaving and what are your travel plans.We will leave on the 27th early and stop and Cabela's in KC, then eat some BBQ at Aurthur Bryants, make it to Limon by 10:30 p.m. Then to Canon City by 12:30 stay the night. Be on the mountain by 12:30 the next day to scout and set up camp. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!
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I can't go till first rifle but I'm pulling for you stick and string boys. Good Luck and
hunt safe. Staying in Canon City huh, so what unit are you going to attack ?
6x6 bull
Unit 62.OTC elk and landowner mulie tag.
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Good Luck in 62 brother, shoot straight and post up a report when you get back !!!!
Getting antelope blinds ready for tuesday to put out. Then in sept will have truck ready and packed and when I get a call to head to northern Idaho when the elk are going crazy will jump in truck and head 10 hrs north. Hunting with a friend this year and he is not sure what time of the month will be good so when the elk liven up he will let me know and I will head up there. Will be up there for 10 days. Cant wait for that. WOOHOO....

Then my wife drew a awesome bull tag and her hunt opens on Oct 1 to the 30. Will take 10 days there with her. Got her rifle redone with a new stock scope and a trigger job and she is ready for them elk. I put in for that tag for 7 yrs and the first year I do not put in for it and put her in she draws it.
"6x6 bull" wrote:Unit 62.OTC elk and landowner mulie tag.
yes im jealous, will be waiting for a report!!!!!

6x6 bull
Best of luck to you and your wife supersider34. I hope you both get toads.
Canon City huh? That's where we lived when i was born. Hope to get back there someday. Good luck on your hunt.
The Hiker family has a few hunts planned this year. Starting in early September with my daughters & I on a WY antelope hunt, then MZ wapiti hunt with a good friend in CO. A group of us are headed up for Colorado deer 2nd season. My older son and I leave for NM around Thanksgiving for a youth deer hunt. Then Chris & I plan on hunting Kansas deer. Should be a great time amd I'm looking forward to it.
I hope all of you have some great hunts. :thumb
6x6 bull
I sent Brett a couple of pictures of bulls that I got the last couple of years. I hope he can get them posted for me.
6x6 bull,

Here they are. Very nicely done!
6x6 bull, Great job! =D>
6x6 bull
Thanks Hiker, but even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in awhile.
pretty good for an ol' missouri boy :thumb i have lots of family that live in seneca/joplin/neosho, missouri.
6x6 bull
Wife's family are from the Springfield area. Dairy farmers! Closest thing to being in prison.
Am not hunting opening weekend, but the next wekend I am and since I live here in CO I will leave early Friday morning!!!
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Jeff, not only are you hunting Kansas deer, but I plan on you shooting a nice one this year too. I'll be headed to Colorado around Sept. 10th.
i have a late season hunt that starts toward the end of oct.
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Oct. 22 - Get up, shower, eat, get on my bicycle, pedal across the road, ditch my bike and head up to where I'll access (depending on wind) the canyon I'm hunting. :-$
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Unless there is a financial miracle soon, I won't get to go. [-o<
6x6 bull
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you wingmaster36. The economy has really put a crunch on everything fun I have planned also. I had to miss the Cheyenne rodeo this year because I couldn't justify the cost of gas when I have two out of state hunts planned also. Things have to turn around for the better soon.
"6x6 bull" wrote:I quess that I am not the only one going to be heading off to CO for the opener on the 30th, so my question is when is everyone leaving and what are your travel plans.We will leave on the 27th early and stop and Cabela's in KC, then eat some BBQ at Aurthur Bryants, make it to Limon by 10:30 p.m. Then to Canon City by 12:30 stay the night. Be on the mountain by 12:30 the next day to scout and set up camp. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!

I live near Canon City, shame we couldnt meet up.
6x6 bull
We usually get into Canon City about 12:30 and then leave about 6:00 in the morning. We always eat at the local Mcdonalds before we head on down the road for our final leg of our trip.
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Im heading out Friday morning..hope to get there before noon and get things settled, so the arrow launching can start Sat. morning. Taking my 12 yr. old son with. It will be his 1st hunt with a bow. =D>
6x6 bull
Good Luck to you and your son. Make sure he enjoys his hunt even if he doesn't get anything. You will want to keep his interest in the sport. Kids read all the magazines and think that if they don't come home with a 350 bull that they did something wrong. Silvertip I will be easy to spot. I will be the one that looks like he hasn't slept in two weeks because of the anticipation, have a smile so big on my face that Mike Tyson couldn't knock off, and will be holding my side from laughing so much and stupid things that were said and done at past hunts.
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"wingmaster36" wrote:Unless there is a financial miracle soon, I won't get to go. [-o<

Well, I went to a trap shoot last weekend at the Remington plant and placed 2nd. The cool thing is I won a Winchester 70 super shadow in 7mm wsm that I have sold for $500.00. Another lick like that and I'll be in unit 444 come Oct 18th! One more miracle please.
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Leaving 9/15 Mt breaks bow hunting. Last breaks tag 4 years ago. Take 2 cameras, walmart lost the roll of flim with the bull down last time.
Two weeks baby. Sept. 13th is the opening of my big bull hunt. Course you guys allready know that by know huh! lol
Leave Indiana Sept 19th
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Good luck. I didn't draw a NM tag this year so the 19th I'll be 10,000ft up in unit 81 one in Co.
6x6 bull
Good Luck to all you guys that are getting there the middle of Sept. I hope you have as much fun and success as I did. You can't alway measure how well you did by the amount of meat you take home either. The experience of being there is priceless!!!!!!!!