When is your rifle mule deer hunt?

Hey all, I have exactly 15 days until my Idaho mule deer CH hunt starts (Unit 11). I was curious as to when everyone else's rifle hunts begin.

Man, I cannot wait! After seeing all the pics of the bucks coming in from the various archery seasons around the west I am REALLY getting excited! :not-worthy
My Utah rifle hunt starts on the 18th of Oct. I will be home the week prior to hunt spike elk though so I am probably just as excited as you! Good luck!
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Well I'm muzzy hunting now but 18th of October is when the rifle starts.
November 15th here in Nebraska. I gotta while ](*,)
Snake River Marksman
NOW! mine actually ends around the 15th for the areas close to me. Rifle elk starts tomorrow for the most convenient area. The darn seasons are too close together, forcing me to choose, elk, or deer, deer or antelope, antelope or elk ](*,) A guy could go nuts like this. It' a good problem to have don't you think?
Oct.18 and will hunitng elk in the same unit one season earlier...hope to get an elk quick and then scout for a buck. saw some good ones last year so I am hoping to get lucky and there still be a few left.
My deer season starts 10/18, we plan on heading up the evening of the 19th. Our Kansas Deer season starts 12/3. My son's NM deer season starts 11/27. Looking forward to it....very much so.
Sadly enough I have to wait until Nov 3rd for mulies and Nov 17th for whitetail up here in Saskatchewan.
11 more days.........man, I am already having problems sleeping!
Sorry to say there won't be any pics or stories from me this year on Muley hunting. My luck ran out on the drawings. Gonna have to get my Muley fix through you guys. Lot of pics and stories please. I will be out in Muley country some this Fall, so I'll get to glass a few. The MN whitetail rifle season opens 1st Sat in Nov.
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I've got a landowner permit for Unit A in Eastern Wyoming. Can anyone shed some light on what quality of Muleys i might see in this area. i understand that the bigger muleys are comming out of Western WY. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
My muley hunt will start in just over a year!(hopefully) No tag this year but have both a bull and cow tag for the first week of Nov!
oct 5th and then another starts the 18th, its getting close

Ready and waiting for Oct 10!!! Luck came around and skivving out on college classes for the day won't be necessary because they were canceled!!

Ready for a big one!!
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Oct.10th for me too. I can't wait. I hope starts to cool of before then. It's been in the '70's here for the past 2 weeks. What do you do when it's warm and you get a big animal on the ground? :-k
"WillysDad" wrote: What do you do when it's warm and you get a big animal on the ground? :-k
Field dressed and skinned ASAP and then put in a cooler or on ice.
My wife and I have buck and doe tag for CO unit 38 in 3rd rifle Nov 1-7. We'll go to Gunnison u55 and hunt bull elk with some guys from Realtree website the first 5 days. Then finish the week out on mule deer west of Blackhawk in u38.