Where are the turkeys???

Anyone seeing turkeys in Washington County? I have been scouting around enterprise but havent seen much? Any leads, any advice?

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Yes!! I saw 23 hens and 8 toms just outside Enterprise. We were about half way between Enterprise and city and the turn-off to the lake. This was only a few weeks ago so should be able to find some there! If I remember correctly it was kind of across from a meat company truck? Hope that helps!!
Saw some by Baker Res. about 2-3 weeks ago, they were on Private Property though. 3 Toms
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Thanks... Ill keep looking...
Anyone seen anything over towards leeds or north of Virgin or Hurricane? I got my last tom 3 years ago on Smith Mesa.
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I've seen hundreds all around Pine Valley and I always see a bunch right off the highway right as you get to Enterprise