Where could i sell my mule deer mount?

it is a 21 point buck, in full velvet
Lets see a picture!

NO kidding!

Welcome to the site! I'm sure you could try the classifieds on this site, Ebay, or any other online auction.
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i should say this, it isn't "full" velvet, haha, it didn't shed one antler from the year before, but the rest is velvet....
21 points eastern count??? or maybe a 21 x 21 muley making it a 21 point????? :)) :))
Well my friend, let's see a pic. It sounds like quite the interesting trophy!
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it won't let me upload a pic, cause mine are all too big, but what eastern count??? and it's a 10x 11, or somewhat a 5x6x11 haha,
Eastern point: All scoreable points from both antlers are added together (i.e. A 4X4 would be an 8 point).

If you want, you can email me the pics and I'll resize and post them for you. Just send to agchawk@yahoo.com
Not sure why you couldn't get it to post, it EASILY meets the size requirements. At least the one you sent me.
These are the pics that Seth sent me...what a great trophy! Certainly looks like a cactus buck to me!!

And this was your first buck?!?! Can ya share the story behind the hunt?
Whoops, sorry Brett. I didn't know you were posting pics too. We must have been on there at the same time.
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k well, it would be coming up on two years ago, i went out hunting with a good friend of mine and his dad out north of where i live aka the middle of nowhere, haha, but idk, at the end of the first day i had shot at two, and we were gonna walk over one last ridge, and we didn't realize that this one was that big when i shot it, but it was like a 250 yard shot i think i don't really remember, and hit it clean through the lungs, then we had to drag it like 400 some yards up out of the canyon like right at dark almost.
The Ox
why would you sell that ! that is a once in a lifetime trophy right there your gonna regret it!
thats a nice buck. i dont know why you would want to sell him
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ya i know, i dont' really want to, i am just kinda looking at how much it would be worth, just in case, somewhat, haha
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That is the ugliest deer i think i have ever seen, no wonder you want to sell it!! =D>

NO, all kidding aside seth, you can't replace this thing and you'll highly regret it down the road.
I say "save it! :thumb
"skull krazy" wrote:That is the ugliest deer i think i have ever seen, no wonder you want to sell it!! =D>

NO, all kidding aside seth, you can't replace this thing and you'll highly regret it down the road.
I say "save it! :thumb
LOL! You know skull krazy is just busting ya?

He's right, that is a rare buck and if you decide to sell it, you'll regret it down the road.
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i personaly would not sell it.
I shouldn't tell you this because I think you should hang on to that buck. Truly a once in a lifetime buck.


Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops are always buying mounts, or looking for donations, to put in the stores they are building. I believe that Cabela's is currently build on in western South Dakota at the moment. Might contact them and see what the process is.
You need to check your specific state regulations regarding the purchase and/or sale of antlers......some states it is illegal to sell antlers (mounted or not).
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you could talk to some nearby sporting goods stores they might take it from yah!? Id be happy to take it off your hands my wallet is empty though haha!