where did you apply- have you drawn anything yet ?????

:shock: where have you applied this year, what states- and have you gotten the "good" word back for any hunts yet ????? good luck.[/b]

Not a great year for drawing tags so far. I have a few tags, but most are unlimited anyway.

CA-no elk, no sheep, drew archery only deer tags (2)
NM-no archery deer
NH-no moose
CO-no deer, another PP
UT-statewide archery deer tag
AZ-archery deer tag, STILL HOPING for elk, sheep, antelope again.

Come on Arizona!

BOHNTR )))--------------->
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I applied for bull moose, california bighorn sheep and mountain goat all within Region 3 of British Columbia. The draw results should be posted by the end of the week. I can't wait. I doubt I'll get the moose tag because I had one last year and there is 60% decreased odds for those who had the tag in the last 3 years. I'm really hoping to get the goat draw. The odds are really good and my whole family put in for the same area. So we should at least get one tag. I've got my eye on a couple of big billys in there that I'd love to smoke. Anyways, fingers are crossed.
i only applied for my home state of arizona this year- the draw results are still not posted anywhere yet- i can`t believe az is the last to post. i applied for my usual desert MULE DEER hunt in unit 37b, and for antelope (my new 2nd favorite animal) in unit 10, and another year for antlerless elk in unit 10- 4 years and i`ve never seen 1 cow elk, much less gotten a shot- lots-o-bulls though. i want to try wyoming again this year, as i got my doe MULE DEER, and my 1st antelope there last year- but i missed my buck MULE DEER and had to take another doe with my any deer tag. this leaves a fowl taste in my mouth- i want a buck from wyoming badly- especially that 3x4 bruin i missed, even though he was missing the back tine on his left side that deer was a monster. the ranch was perfect, saw 2000+ `lopes, and 500+ MULE DEER on my trip so it was the best it could be i guess. unfortunatley the prices doubled for this year and i may not make it. this is really too bad.
i drew my cow elk unit 10 late tag again- this has got to be the year, and me and my son drew our unit 37b MULE DEER tags. this is his 1st deer hunt so we are both happy, and will be scouting our butts off starting now. i am looking for an antelope hunt somewhere as i did not draw an arizona antelope hunt- again. anyone know of a low cost `lope hunt somewhere ?????
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Hunterman: Congrats on the draw for you and your boy. I hear there are some big bucks in that unit. Can't wait until my kids get old enough.

I went:

0 for 4 in Ca.
0 for 4 in Az.
0 for 2 in Or.
0 for 4 in Nev


Did get my second choice (unlimited) in Idaho for muzzleloader deer.
sorry 1trk- that is the most zero`s i have ever seen in one year !!!!! that is a tough call man, good hunting on the 1 you do have. the unit 37b we hunt is by far one of the best desert MULE DEER hunting areas in the world- at least it used to be. my grandfather came to arizona in 1952. he began hunting in this unit in 1957, and took his 1st MULE DEER that year. he began taking my dad there in 1962, and he also took his 1st MULE DEER there that year. i went on my 1st hunt there when i was 3 in 1970, and both my gramps, grandmother, mom, uncle, and dad all took thier deer that year. i went hunting on my 1st actual "legal" hunt (when i could shoot one too) in 1977 right after my 10th bday. we took 3 deer that year including my 1st deer- a fat little forkhorn. we took at least 2 deer a year from a 1 mile square area every year from 1958- until 1995, and 1 a year since. usually my dad would get his on the december archery hunt- and me and gramps got ours during the 4 day rifle hunt. the biggest deer was taken by my dad on december 31st 1984. it is a huge 4x5 that was the #10 p&y deer in all of arizona for 4 years, it`s now dropped to like 25 or something. it scored 172 5/8", weighed 176 lbs- a freaking monster. it was our family record until i took a monster during the rifle hunt of 1995. he is a whopper 4x4, he scores 179 3/8", and weighed in at 187 lbs. a real desert toad. i have another one that scored 166", and 162" between us all we`ve gotten 7 bucks in the 140-150 class, and a lot more that are just regular desert 4x4`s, 3x4`s, and a couple forkies/spikes, and 2 does taken during the archery any deer hunt in the 70-80`s. my dad passed away 19 days after i took my big deer, his cancer got 10 times worse after the hunt. it seems he held his strength up for the hunt knowing it was going to be his last- then when it was over he just let go. it is sad every time i go out there thinking about all the memories, and knowing he taught me everything i know about hunting, and it was right there. after he found out he was sick he made sure i would not leave him sitting in a box on a shelf somewhere, that i would spread his ashes out in this area where we hunt- where the deer are. that is where he wanted to be. so my son and i erected a 10` white cross in our campsite with 4x4 posts. his ashes are out where he took his big buck. my gramps started this whole family hunting out there a long time ago, and when he passed away on 5/4/2 we spread his ashes there also. we go out there to tend to the cross, have a picnic, sightsee, about 3 times a year- other than scouting or hunting trips. now my son is going on his 1st deer hunt this year, he is 10. it is the exact same campsite my gramps found in 1957, and the same area we all took our 1st deer in. so the torch is being passed so to speak. unfortunatley a huge developer has bought the ranch that owns 80,000 acres right in the middle of where we hunt, they have plans to blade it all and install 19,000 single family homes, a police force, fire department, 3 schools, resort- complete with 4 golf courses, and the kitchen sink. they began construction 4 months ago and although they are 7 miles away from our campsite right now they plan to be there within the next 1 year. so this maybe the only chance my son has to continue the family tradition. i am not sure there will be a place to hunt next fall- 2004. so we are going to remove the 10` cross, and take shovels and get the dirt where the ashes were spread so we can move it before some jerk-o-lux-model-900 operating a bulldozer tears it apart. we are going on the hunt this year 10/30-11/09 and hopefully i will have a chance to get my son a shot at his 1st deer, maybe even take his 1st deer in this area. after the hunt in november we are going back out during the december archery hunt to videotape the whole campsite, and hopefully get some tape of some deer, before everything is gone. so keep your fingers crossed for us to have the best time hunting MULE DEER in our little corner of the world. good luck on all your hunts.
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It's odd to me the way the drawing system works out there. I guess with a limited number of oppurtunity and and abundant number of oppurtunist, the lottery system is the only way to do it fairly. We do a lottery system here on our public land WMA's. Some of them need a 3-4 yr rejection notice. I don't know what it is, about it either. The deer there aren't any bigger than the ones on many of the other WMA's. I enjoy public land hunting occasionally because it's a new challenge. When i'm after a trophy i prefer to go to my club. You don't draw tags here though. You buy your regualr license (general hunting,big-game,archery,etc.) and that gets you 12 "tags" that never do attached to the animal (haven't figured that out yet) no more of which can be 2 bucks. State-wide regs of at least 4 points per side. I think that is a ridiculously high harvest number but i'm not an expert on conservation and don't set the numbers. We also only have deer, bear, turkey as the only big game to hunt here (well starting this year we have an alligator season but i'm still not sure if that's classified as big game). I had to draw tags for Wyoming this year (deer and antelope) and was successful for region 9 I believe. It's my first trip out west and i can't wait. thought i'd share a little light on how we do it down here. TODD
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WOW, 12 tags a year, you must be in heaven. There have been years that I haven't seen 12 bucks in a year! I drew a cow elk tag and didn't get my late buck tag for the rut here in Idaho so I will be chasing them during the general hunt. One of these years I will get my late rut hunt for a muley.
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drew a x-1 archery tag in cali, we all should of had deer but only one of us came home with horns 20"wide x 20"high with numerous brow tines and very good mass. personally i saw 3 book bucks but could not get a shot. the season ends 9-7-03. now looking forward to the real hunts!!

california rifle b zone hunt 9-20-22 marble mts

reg d wyoming yes oct 3-14

12aw arizona yes oct 24-nov-2 took 10 years and taking hunters ed course in phoenix in 2003. three of those 10 years i was a resident. iv'e drawn this tag by myself so if there is anyone out there who also got lucky and whats some camp company write to jvgunner@aol.com.

oregon late season bow hunt november and early december for blacktails in the rut.
this off season is way too long dammitt !!!!! anyway i am 8 days away from leaving for my new mexico antelope hunt. i found a landowners permit cheap on a ranch that has not been hunted in 9 years. it is 15 miles south of tucumcari nm in a town called quay. actually the quay ranch in unit 40. there is 3 of us, and there have been 5+ bucks spotted so we are all pretty happy, and looking forward to leaving town in 8 days to go hunting again !!!!!
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Drew mule deer in 18B here in Arizona.
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Preference Points only:

CO - Bear
CO - Antelope
CO - Deer
CO - Elk

After Preference Point I picked up:

Leftover on Deer - Buck Unit 12/13/22/23
Over-the-Counter on Elk - Bull (most of state)