Where do I start?
3/12/07 9:39am
I want to get into bowhunting.
I have no idea what kind to buy or anything about it.
Any advise would be appriciated.
Thanks, Carrie
I have no idea what kind to buy or anything about it.
Any advise would be appriciated.
Thanks, Carrie
Are you new to hunting, or are you a seasoned rifle hunter?
Do you want to get into traditional archery, or hunt with a compound?
What kind of budget do you have?
Most name brand name bows are perfectly functional for hunting, you certainly don't need to spend a pile of money and get a tricked out Mathews for your first bow. But hey if you have the financial means maybe you would.
I have not tried either one. traditional archery, or hunt with a compound
which would be easier for a girl?
I would probably spend up to $500. It all depends.
Was in your same 'boat' about 3-4 years ago, I ended up getting a Martin Tracer Magnum from this company online.
It was a package deal, they set it all up and even shots several arrows to get the accuracy close.
I was and still am real happy with their service and my bow.
Make sure you get the correct draw length, very imortant IMO.
I did tons of research online and went to a couple of SHOPS as already suggested. Find one you like and that feels comfortable to you.
I had about your same budget also.
I'd go with a compound for starters, but that's just me. :)
good luck!