where's the bear hunters

just wonderin if anyone has gone out yet,what happened,where or when ill be headin out on the long weekend probably head north of rocky mountain house alberta
i went this last weekend for a couple days, we seen 14 bears. 8 of them were sows and cubs and the other 6 were boars but just not big enough to shoot. cool color fazes, we only seen 1 bear that was black and it was a cub. the rest were anywhere from real light brown to reddish colors. it was a blast! got to hang with a couple buddies and have a good time. going back in 2 weeks for 4 days and hopefully close the deal on one then.
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I spent a couple of days in Idaho Unit 27(Frank Church Wilderness area) last week, 1st time ever hunting bears in the Spring, did not see any bears, but we had poor visibility and bad weather while we were hunting. Hopefully will get back out again in 2 weeks.
i was hoping to be able to make it out this year but it looks like i wont make it! good luck to all those going!

man i wouldnt even know were to start lookin if i was after bear. i rarely see them here
I have seen 3 legal bears this spring,all small,Ill hold out for a fall bear if I dont see a BIG one in the spring season.
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their is a loot of game down here if anyone is intrested the tags for bear whities or elk mule general tags u can come out with me no guide fees all i gotta do is get a hunter host permit 4 20 bucks leh dont count but their are so many open zones 4 trophy whities and better yet u dont gotta pay tha ridicoulous outfitter fees just a heads up iam always down to meet and hunt with new respectable partners :thumb
300 where you from??
i think hes from B.C. if im thinkin right
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alberta calgary
Whats the season dates for all the game and whats (roughly) the trophy quality (got any pics of the different game in the areas you hunt that show what sort of trophies to expect?? I mean I wouldnt be expecting any monsters or anything but if it was anything half decent then I personally would love to make the trip up if not this year then next year for sure if you were down?

so lets see some pics!

PM me sometime if you want
o i was wrong ](*,)
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I do have pics just gotta get photoshop or something to be able to post them bears its not hard to get a six footer whitetailed deer 160 and up muleys 150s and up elk i havent gotten a monster yet only one a 5 by 4 ram is open for fullcurl or better in certain zones and moose i go to bc where its open season on immature bulls but their are zones open for 10 points and tripalms
awesome. once you figure out how to post pics lets see them
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Colorado DOW banned spring bear hunting here a long time back.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :>/ Maybe Idaho next spring for me.
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The archery bear hunters are on the mountain setting up and checking bait sites. This is one of the boys visiting our site.

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h43/fofinho50/bear.jpg" alt="" />