where to hunt WA. mulies
4/11/06 6:23pm
Hey, awesome site!! I have become obbcessed with the opportunity to harvest a stud mulie buck!!! I live in western washington and have only hunted blacktail. My son (Nick 13 yr) Is my favorite hunting partner. And this fall we are gonna try mulie hunting!! Only problem is I have not a clue on where to go. Some where in central or eastern wa I guess. If anyone has any info that would help us find a good spot with a chance at a couple nice 4x4's we'd be very thankful. It could save us a couple 3 years or so if someone could put us on the right road,ridge,trail, etc. You can sent me a private message if you want. Help!! Thanks CD
With that being said, it certainly can be done. My brother and I (My oldest son will be with us this year) hike in as far away from the roads as possible. This generally will seperate us from most of the road hunters, ATVs, and general population. We generally hunt the Blue Mountains in SE WA or hike into the Grande Ronde area. Pretty rough country and a pain in the rear when trying to get something out but its doable. Ya gotta be in shape though!
If you have more specific questions, please PM me.