I am new to hunting in the western states. What is the best method of deciding where to put my trail cameras? Back east we would use creek crossings, funnels, field edges...but in the big woods of the west it seems there are deer trails and elk trails in every patch of woods I walk into, but where should I put my camera? South facing slopes? I am talking about putting my camera up from early July to Sept. Thanks
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Water sources are a must when using trail cameras. In the summer as we know it can get pretty warm so i would suggest the east and west slopes if possible due to the sun conditions. also, if there are any food sources, of course use those as well.
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thanks for your quick reply. For the most part water is not too scarce around here where I am, but if I find a place where tracks enter into a creek pool, or cattle pond, then that is one place. What kind of vegetation do elk prefer? I have heard that elk and deer prefer different food? I am in Idaho near mountains and alot of sage brush.
When I put up my camera I find an area where I have glassed before and seen lots of deer. From there I would then head into the area and look for fresh tracks or bedding areas. Also look for good watering spots. When you do put your camera up, make sure that it is not facing to the south. The sun will give you about 1000 pictures of the sun position changing on the ground! Lol. Best too put it facing east to west and slightly to the north. Also if you can find a shaded area that would be the best. Make sure to clear out any leaves hanging down close to your camera otherwise when the wind blows you'll have a lot of pics of that beautiful leaf! Best of luck and have fun learning where to put them. Best way to learn is trial and error really. Hope you get some cool pics.
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thanks man! I will def remember not to have it face the south, I have done that before.
I can't wait to get out next summer and use it.
Same here! Can't wait to get it out there in my honey hole again. Last year I got so many awesome pics that I can't wait to get more! It's addicting!
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I am thinking about applying for a OTC general Archery tag in Utah in 2011. Do you know any important dates for applying? I have a buddy down in Cedar who has an open archery hunt that has some good deer. What do you think about that?
"dubvee" wrote:I am thinking about applying for a OTC general Archery tag in Utah in 2011. Do you know any important dates for applying? I have a buddy down in Cedar who has an open archery hunt that has some good deer. What do you think about that?
Well 2011 will be the last year for statewide archery since they changed it now. And this year they actually didn't have any OTC tags left. They were all gone after the draws. So as long as you put in you should have a good shot at getting one. I love the bow hunt. That's what I've done for the last 3 years. Applying for the draw usually starts somewhere around Feb. or March. But if you got a buddy who has got some areas that'd be a good way to go. You can get on the Utah DWR site and keep up with when dates are going to be coming up.
"dubvee" wrote:I am thinking about applying for a OTC general Archery tag in Utah in 2011. Do you know any important dates for applying? I have a buddy down in Cedar who has an open archery hunt that has some good deer. What do you think about that?
You can just buy an archery tag for elk. The season runs from mid August to mid September, or there abouts. I haven't read the new rules they are considering, but my son says they go into effect next year anyway.

BTW, don't forget to secure your cams to whatever it is you are hanging them on. I've never lost one, but they do dissapear from time to time. Happy hunting. I got some great pics in June and July. Pics are all I got as they moved when I went to hunt though #-o