Which camera?

Some of your guys pics look great. Just wondering which camera should I buy. Also if it doesn't come with the lens that you use which one of those should I buy also. Thanks in advance for any info.
Nikon and Canon are the most Popular. I shoot with a Canon Rebel XT, with a 300 mm lens and a 1.4 extender on top of that. Takes me out to 420 mm.
Wasatch Wonder
I use the same set up as MM. A canon Rebel XT with the 300 mm telephoto lens. Very simple to use, fantastic photo quality and you can usually find some great deals on them too.
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A camera all depends on how much you are wanting to spend and what you are going to use it for.. Like Brett said a Canon or Nikon with a large telescopic les (300 or larger) is what you want for wildlife. You'd be better off going with a little bit cheaper camera and a more expensive lens rather than a more expensive camera and a cheaper lens, if you are planning on shotting with a digital SLR.. I myself am a Canon fan, but I really think if its between Canon or Nikon is a matter of opinion.. Any other specific questions feel free to ask.. I also Have a Canon 20D Id be willing to sell if you were interested..
I shoot a Fujifilm S5000 and would NOT recommend it to anyone. It takes fantastic pics for not being an SLR but connectivity is horrible. Thinking on getting a new Nikon or Canon though. My cousin has a Nikon D40 and its perfect for what Im looking to shoot. Also have a Sealife Ecoshot for Scuba diving, its also good to take stream fishing because its waterproof to 70ft under the ocean and shockproof too (yes I have fallen in the river hehehehe).

Just my ¢2
6x6 bull
Thanks guys for all the info. I decided to go with a little smaller model. I just bought a Nikon p90. I hope I like it.
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"MuleyMadness" wrote:Nikon and Canon are the most Popular. I shoot with a Canon Rebel XT, with a 300 mm lens and a 1.4 extender on top of that. Takes me out to 420 mm.
Agreed! The Canon Rebel's are fantastic..