Which one would you shoot?
2/26/12 9:40pm
Ok, just for fun. I decided to put in for Antelope Island again. Mainly to just gain another bonus point but who knows, I may hit the lotto. :)) Which one of these two bucks would you take or like the best, if standing next to each other?
A big 190" class typical that might make the record books or a 225" non-typical that won't make the book. Do you like a straight 4 point or trash?

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/AntelopeIsland2011b.jpg " alt="" />

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/AntelopeIsland2011a.jpg " alt="" />

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/AntelopeIsalnd2011.jpg " alt="" />
Both of these bucks are from the island.
A big 190" class typical that might make the record books or a 225" non-typical that won't make the book. Do you like a straight 4 point or trash?

Both of these bucks are from the island.
But now that I have got a nice mostly typical I wouldn't turn my nose up at a nice nontypical. lol
He missing an eye?
If they were running side by side, I'd take which ever one gave me the opportunity!
Nice bucks.
but if i HAD to choose, i guess i'm shooting the trash
That symmetrical buck looks like he's been around the block a few times... his face looks like an old catcher's mitt!
Id take either but if they were side by side id go with the junk.