Which one would you shoot?

Ok, just for fun. I decided to put in for Antelope Island again. Mainly to just gain another bonus point but who knows, I may hit the lotto. :)) Which one of these two bucks would you take or like the best, if standing next to each other?
A big 190" class typical that might make the record books or a 225" non-typical that won't make the book. Do you like a straight 4 point or trash?
http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/AntelopeIsland2011b.jpg" alt="" />
http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/AntelopeIsland2011a.jpg" alt="" />
http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/AntelopeIsalnd2011.jpg" alt="" />
Both of these bucks are from the island.
I've always liked a nice typical rack myself.

But now that I have got a nice mostly typical I wouldn't turn my nose up at a nice nontypical. lol
I like the trash but couldn't pass on the typical
one hunting fool
I like the trash buck. Take the typical with a bow and make the books!
I think out of those two buck I would have to go with the nontypical. It would be hard to pass up the typical, he is a beautiful buck and if he were 10" bigger I don't think I could.
I'd pick the cheater buck hands down ha Sweet bucks both of them buck the non-typ I wouldnt even think twice about shooting....unless I had an Island tag haha
Non-Typical for me. That typical pic is a lot better pic, that's why he is tempting. :)

He missing an eye?
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"MuleyMadness" wrote: He missing an eye?
I was wondering the same thing.... I'd take the typical for sure. Very classy looking.
For sure :thumb Trash for me. 10sign:
The big typical in a heartbeat..

If they were running side by side, I'd take which ever one gave me the opportunity!

Nice bucks.
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i would take the buck with the trash on him but very nice typical what a monster :not-worthy
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Which ever one I saw first because I could not wait for the other. But if they were together, I'd shoot the nontypical. I've never cared about record books; still don't.
The straight four for me...
i won the raffle tag and bought the auction tag, so i'd shoot them both:) ( hey, if we're dreaming, i might as well dream big right?)

but if i HAD to choose, i guess i'm shooting the trash
As much as I'm a sucker for symmetry... I'd take the trash buck on this one.
That symmetrical buck looks like he's been around the block a few times... his face looks like an old catcher's mitt!
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I like the symmetrical look best, but I have yet to hang trash on the wall, so I'd be looking at the non-typical pretty hard.
Muleys 24/7
The big typical would be my first choice
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Is there a both option? In this case I like the non typical.
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I love trash more than most but I'd have to put the old one eyed typical out of his misery. His frame is awesome but from what little I know about that island neither one of them is close to as big as some get there so maybe I'd find a better one than either of them. haha
Love the pics ridge! I would take the typical first, love that look! But they would have to haul the critter off the island, don't much care for the idea of that hunt. Good luck to you in the draw, though! :thumb
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they are both awesome bucks!! but i would for sure take down the trashy one!!
Both are very shootable deer, and if they were side by side it would probably be a tough on the fly decision, but I would probably take the typical buck and leave the trash for my buddy.
The large typical on top.
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I like the trash. All are awsome.
Im partial to the typ myself :thumb
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Definately typical for me. I love the symmetrical look personally.
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it looks to me like the typical buck is missing an eye ball and typical anyday over non typical
You have just drawn the easiest tag in the world for a good buck. Why shoot one in the first day? I think wd martin made a mistake when he chose to shoot his buck on the first morning with his rifle. Why not spend few days and actually try and set an archery reccord. The deer isnt going anywhere with all your spotters. If you fail shoot it on the last day with a rifle.

Id take either but if they were side by side id go with the junk.
"swbuckmaster" wrote:You have just drawn the easiest tag in the world for a good buck. Why shoot one in the first day? I think wd martin made a mistake when he chose to shoot his buck on the first morning with his rifle. Why not spend few days and actually try and set an archery reccord. The deer isnt going anywhere with all your spotters. If you fail shoot it on the last day with a rifle.

Id take either but if they were side by side id go with the junk.
If I would have drawn the tag, I would have used my muzzleloader.