Which one would you shoot???
7/12/12 3:44pm
Got this picture and video last year before my deer hunt started. There were about 20 bulls in this group, and 6+ were 6x6 or better ha. Which one would you shoot? or just fling an arrow and hope it hits one lol???

http://lh6.ggpht.com/-YsJ32p7-8Hc/TkhM1etUoXI/AAAAAAAAAbo/1cttgfdrsyw/s1600/IMG_0139%25255B5%25255D.jpg " alt="" />
Cant figure out how to put the video on the post so you gotta go to youtube to see it...

Cant figure out how to put the video on the post so you gotta go to youtube to see it...
here are some more pictures of bulls from this group...
still not any monsters, but all some pretty decent bulls...