Which scope?
4/28/10 10:16pm
I just got a new Tradition Pursuit muzzleloader and looking at getting a scope for it. I am in Utah so I can only get a 1x to be legal. My buddy had a red dot on his but didn't like it at all and said that it wouldn't stay sighted in with his Knight. Just wondering what everyone else uses or would recommend. Thanks!

4/29/10 5:21am
I would recommend some good open sights. Those one by scopes are pointless to me. Plus if you ever happen to go hunt in other states it may not be legal. Save your $ and stick with the open sights. Just my .02

4/29/10 5:59am
I have a Nikon Buckmaster(with cross hairs) and love it. I can see a lot better in low light conditions than open sites. When using open sites, I liked a peep site the best but still like the scope better. It does take some getting used to seeing your barrel when shooting through these 1X scopes.

4/29/10 12:49pm
i have a cva wolf and hunt in utah also. i used some fiberopic open sights for the first two years and really did like them but i started looking for a scope or red dot. the red dots seemed to not be able to handle the shock and would be off after a few shots. i was worried a scope would do the same thing so i bought some high quality mounts and a cheaper scope. i believe it was a traditions scope and cost around 50-75 bucks? but i have not had anyproblems with it. it stays sighted in, (except the one time when my mounts came loose from the rough ride and my scope fell off) :>/ but i would say that you might want to try the same. if it doesnt work out your not out alot of money but definately keep your old sights just in case and if you can get a fiber optic set id go for it in a heart beat!

5/1/10 1:54pm
Sweet thanks for your replies guys! I think I am going to go with that Traditions scope. They have one on their website for a killer deal right now so I think I'm going to get that one. I would stick with open sights but some buddies that shoot them say when they are shotting further away it makes it a bit tougher to see and aim properly. But I do appreciate your guys' input! :))

5/3/10 6:40pm
My CVA Muzzleloader was meant for a scope. I used a red dot last year and I didnt really like it. Cabelas has a scope called the Pine ridge. I was impressed with the quality for the price. I love it. Just a different option for you to look at while your out buying one.