Which Video Camera??
7/14/11 9:29am
So my wife's prego with our first little squirt and she brought up buying a video camera to film all the "firsts". Surprisingly she also mentioned we should get something that I could take into the hills so she could see what it is I like so much about hunting, shes making progress haha. Anyway, what would you guys recommend for a compact, HD video camera. Ive looked into the gopro a little and the flip but other than that my knowledge of whats out there for a reasonable price is very limited.
What would you all recommend? Any experience with the gopro? I noticed there are a lot of different models... are there many big differences between them or is mostly just the attachments that the models include? Thanks yall!
What would you all recommend? Any experience with the gopro? I noticed there are a lot of different models... are there many big differences between them or is mostly just the attachments that the models include? Thanks yall!
It is a well rounded camera and it has a awsome zoom on it. It would work great for all of those babies FIRST moments.
As for hunting it is shock resistant but im not sure how durable it really is. What little bit I have used it it work pretty good in low light.
only other con is that it is not HD.