which weapon?
1/16/07 2:49pm
I found a place this last year in Utah that holds quite a few (6 or 7) quality bucks, one that was an easy 30" with an 6-8" drop, its less than 2 miles square and doesn't get alot of pressure, mostly road hunters. It has pretty thick cedars in places and some big clearings and some burned area.I believe the deer are there through out the summer and don't move off until after the rifle hunt. I watched 11 bucks feed up the side of the hill the day before the rifle opener and only seen one (the big one) after that on the last day of the hunt right at dark. Do you think I'd have a better chance with a muzzy or rifle? I have hunted with the muzz once, and I like the time of year, the lack of people and the temps. The only bad part is it starts on Wednesday. I've mainly rifle hunted most of my life so I have a bit of experience there.
If you can get close enough, muzzleloader and the dates are sooner and might give you the first crack at them. If you can't, rifle but they might already be in someones freezer. Let us know how you do.
Which firearm are you most comfortable with? I would hate to hear that you went with the muzzy because of the reasons you listed and then find out that you missed, or worse yet wounded, the buck and ended up with an unfilled tag.
If you're comfortable with the muzzy and are confident that you can get within range of this guy then I say take the muzzy and remember to take pics for us here at MM>
I've never shot a muzzy before and don't know much about em (other than hearing people argue about how there getting outa control with technology and muzzys arent any different than a rifle hardly) so I can't say. But i'll tell ya this, no matter rifle or muzzy season my knife works just as well (it ought to anyways, I sharpen it often and havent used it 2 years in a row now #-o ) and i'd love to skin out a 30 inch buck with a drop-tine from hell!!