Which Would You Shoot?

So, I was checking some of my traps the other day and I saw two bucks. One was a decent 4 point, about as wide as his ears but not to tall, pretty good mass. With him was another, obviously young buck, with cactus antlers. He basically had 10" spikes, lots of "knarl" around the bases and full velvet.
Obviously cactus bucks are pretty rare, but he was young and given a few years could be really spectacular.

I'm glad I wasn't in the position to take either one, I'm not sure I could have made a decision before they ran off.
Which would you choose and why?
Probably neither. :) sounds like they both need some more age to them. ha ha
Cactus bucks are quite common in some areas where I live in So. Utah, see LOTS of them every year.
Im not much on cactus bucks. So I would let both walk. The 4 point could turn into a nice buck if he isn't already maxed out